Dear Dr. Ilvento:
In my capacity as chair of the Faculty Senate Graduate
Studies Committee, I am sending you this to make you aware that the following
resolution has been recommended by the Graduate Studies Committee and is
being submitted to the Coordinating Committee on Education to
be considered for presentation to the Faculty Senate. You are
welcome to submit a request by
Chuck Mason
Charles E. Mason, Professor
Faculty Senate Graduate Studies Committee Chair
Dept. Entomology and
Phone: 302 831-8888, Fax 831-8889
Whereas, the Ph.D. with a major in Statistics
has not had any students enrolled from this program in more than ten years, nor
have any students graduated from this program in that period of time, and
Whereas, the University Catalog as far back as
2003 has stated that “applications are not currently accepted for admission to
the Ph.D. program in Statistics,” and
Whereas, the Department of Food and Resource
Economics, where this program is housed, has not submitted a request to
disestablish the Ph.D. program in Statistics, and
Whereas, the Faculty Senate Committee on
Graduate Studies is charged with making recommendations to the Faculty Senate
on matters pertaining to graduate programs, be it therefore
Resolved, that the Faculty Senate recommends the
Ph.D. in Statistics be disestablished, effective Fall 2008.