Detailed Proposal


Description:  See attachment 4


Rationale and Demand: There has been a severe shortage of pharmacists in the State of Delaware for many years. Although some UD students have gone on to Pharmacy school recently, the University does not have a specific program that focuses on preparation for a career in pharmacy.  UD has several different academic relationships with Thomas Jefferson University (TJU), the most recently established one being an articulated program in Occupational Therapy.  TJU is opening a new Pharmacy School in the fall of 2008 and the current proposal is for the establishment of an articulated program between UD and TJU.  Students completing this program will receive a B.S. degree in Biology from UD and a Doctorate in Pharmacy from TJU.  The total time to obtain both degrees will be seven years.

            Within the last year about 20 Biological Sciences majors and 10 Chemistry & Biochemistry majors have consulted their respective associate chairs about the requirements to become pharmacists. We don’t have statistics on who actually applied, since we do not currently have a pre-pharmacy program. Since the approval of the TJU PharmD program in August, five UD students have consulted with TJU staff about their admissions requirements and have been told to contact Dr. David Usher, the associate Chair of Biological Sciences about their program.


Enrollments: Enrollment in the Pre-pharmacy interest group is not limited. However, the admission standards are rigorous and it is expected that between 5 and 10 students will be admitted into the the articulated degree programs each year. TJU has agreed to accept a minimum of students every year.


Admissions: See attachment 1 and attachment 3


Financial Aid: None being sought


Curriculum Specifics: See attachments 2-7


Resources Available:  Dr. David Usher, Associate Chair, Biological Sciences will be the designated faculty advisor for the program. He will be aided by Ramona Wilson, staff member in the Undergraduate Program’s Office.


Implementation and Evaluation: See attachment 1