----- Original Message -----

From: Gilberto Schleiniger

To: Karren Helsel-Spry

Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 10:37 AM

Subject: Fwd: [Fwd: Re: foreign language requirements in secondary education]





G. Schleiniger

Director of Undergraduate Studies

Math Sciences

University of Delaware


Begin forwarded message:

From: Gilberto Schleiniger <schleini@math.udel.edu>

Date: February 21, 2007 5:52:50 PM EST

To: Amy Johnson <ajohnson@UDel.Edu>

Subject: Fwd: [Fwd: Re: foreign language requirements in secondary education]


Dear Amy:


I hope the attached message, with a statement from Barbara Van Dornick, the UD's teacher education 

certification officer, will suffice for your Committee to settle the issue of foreign language requirement 

for the proposed BS in Math Education.  I can certainly come again and present to you what I presented 

to the College Senate, if you think it is necessary.  


Please let me know whether this addresses the concerns of the Committee satisfactorily.  






G. Schleiniger

Director of Undergraduate Studies

Math Sciences

University of Delaware


Begin forwarded message:

From: Jinfa Cai <jcai@math.udel.edu>

Date: February 21, 2007 3:52:57 PM EST

To: Gilberto Schleiniger <schleini@math.udel.edu>

Subject: [Fwd: Re: foreign language requirements in secondary education]


Please see the attached email from Barbara Van Dornick, the University's teacher education certification officer.  As you can see, neither NCATE nor the State of Delaware require a foreign language requirement within a secondary teacher education.  And also, the following link shows the standards from the National Council on Accreditation of Teacher Education and the National Council of Teachers Mathematics: http://www.nctm.org/about/ncate.  There is no any standards requiring a foreign language requirement for a secondary mathematics education program.




Jinfa Cai

Professor of Mathematical Sciences

Director of Secondary mathematics Education


From: "Van Dornick, Barbara" <bvandorn@udel.edu>

Date: February 21, 2007 3:43:32 PM EST

To: "Jinfa Cai" <jcai@math.udel.edu>

Subject: RE: foreign language requirements in secondary education




 As the University's teacher education certification officer, I can

verify that neither NCATE nor the State of Delaware require a foreign

language requirement within a secondary teacher education program.  Hope

this is helpful.


-----Original Message-----

From: Jinfa Cai [mailto:jcai@math.udel.edu] 

Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 3:27 PM

To: Van Dornick, Barbara

Subject: foreign language requirements in secondary education


Hi, Barbara,


Do you know if there are any written documents from NCATE or State  

DoE about the foreign language requirements for secondary teacher  

education programs?



