Biological Sciences:

letter attached & following email:


Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 12:23:41 -0400
From"Dan Carson" <dcarson@UDel.Edu>
Subject: Re: Minor in Biomedical Engineering
To: "Tom Buchanan" <buchanan@UDel.Edu>
Cc: "David W Smith" <dwsmith@UDel.Edu>, "Randall Lyle Duncan" <rlduncan@UDel.Edu>, "Dave Usher" <dusher@UDel.Edu>


I've gotten some feedback from Dave Usher on this who says the following:

"Allowing students into the lecture courses for B306 or B401 is not a problem; we have more than enough seats in both. The numbers that would take the minor will be small and both are electives and not required courses.  However, both B306 and B401 require B207/208 and this may cause a problem.  Please approve his request but tell him that Biology or Nursing majors are given preference for fall BISC207 registration and that other students might not be able to take the course until the
spring when seats are available.


Therefore, with the caveats indicated that Bio and Nursing Majors get first preference for fall BISC207, I approve the proposal.  I am copying Dave Smith, our Undergrad Programs Director, and Randy Duncan, our liaison with Engineering, for their information.

Best regards,

Tom Buchanan wrote:

> Dan,
> I inquired last year about our proposed Biomedical Engineering minor, which
> would be available to your students, engineering students and health &
> exercise science students. It came to my attention that in your previous
> note you did not address the possibility of students in this minor taking
> BISC 306 or BISC 401 as elective courses. Would you be willing to grant us
> permission to include those?

> I have attached the proposed requirements.
> Tom
> ***********************************************************************
> Thomas S. Buchanan, Ph.D.
> Chair of Mechanical Engineering
> University of Delaware
> 126 Spencer Laboratories
> Newark, DE 19716 USA
> Ph: 1-302-831-2423  Fax: 1-302-831-3619
> ***********************************************************************


Mathematical Sciences:


Date: Mon 25 Sep 12:58:10 EDT 2006
From"David A. Edwards" <>
Subject: Re: Minor in Biomedical Engineering--Mechanical Engineering Department
To: Michael Keefe <keefe@UDel.Edu>

Dear Dr. Keefe:


I've checked with all the relevant parties and they all express support.




David A. Edwards

Associate Chair

Mathematical Sciences


On Sep 25, 2006, at 12:31 PM, Michael Keefe wrote:


Dear Professor Edwards,


The Mechanical Engineering Department is putting together a proposal for a minor in Biomedical Engineering and I am writing at the request of our Chairman to ask your approval to list MATH243 as a required course. The attached document is the current draft that describes the complete list of  requirements for the minor.


We believe that this minor is something that would be appealing to many undergraduate students (Biology, Physics, etc.), but we anticipate that most of the interested students would have taken MATH243 anyway - thus we don't anticipate any impact to the number of students in MATH243. I am contacting you as the Associate Chairman (for Undergraduate Curriculum) and hope that you can express that you have no concerns with the Mechanical Engineering proposal.



Michael Keefe, PhD, PE, Associate Professor

Associate Chairman for Undergraduate Education

Mechanical Engineering Department

University of Delaware

<Minor in Biomedical Engineering v2.doc>

Physics & Astronomy:


From: John Gizis [mailto:gizis@UDel.Edu] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 1:02 PM
To: George Hadjipanayis;
Subject: Re: FW: Minor in Biomedical Engineering--Needs approval
Dear Dr. Buchanan,
We support your proposal.
Best wishes,
John Gizis
Undergraduate Director, Physics and Astronomy.
George Hadjipanayis wrote:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Tom Buchanan [mailto:buchanan@UDel.Edu]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 11, 2006 11:55 AM
> *To:* hadji@UDel.Edu
> *Subject:* RE: Minor in Biomedical Engineering--Needs approval
> Dear George,
> I haven't heard back from you regarding our proposal for a minor in 
> Biomedical Engineering. For us to have this approved, we need to have 
> a note from each department chair whose courses are include, approving 
> this proposal. In your case, it is an OK to include PHYS 201 or PHYS 
> 207 as a requirement for this new minor?
> My hunch is that this would involve very few additional students for 
> your department to teach since most who would be interested in the 
> minor are mostly likely science or engineering majors who are already 
> planning to take PHYS 201 or 207.
> Can we get your approval?
> Thanks,
> Tom
> ***********************************************************************
> Thomas S. Buchanan, Ph.D.
> Chair of Mechanical Engineering
> University of Delaware
> 126 Spencer Laboratories
> Newark, DE 19716 USA
> Ph: 1-302-831-2423 Fax: 1-302-831-3619
> ***********************************************************************

Health, Nursing and Exercise Sciences:

letter attached & following email:


Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2006 17:28:29 -0400
From"Susan J. Hall" <>
Subject: Re: Minor in Biomedical Engineering
To: "Tom Buchanan" <>
Cc: <>

Tom, we have no objection to the inclusion of HESC220 among the optional courses for the minor. However, we prefer that you not include HESC420 on the list, even as an option. The concern is that some students (notably, ours) could sign up for the minor strictly to gain access to HESC420 and then drop, or never complete the minor. The number of seats in HESC420 is severely limited by lab space and numbers of cadavers.

Also, since students in the minor can count only one course from section 2,  the requirements for section 2 of the minor would be fulfilled by completion of HESC220. Since HESC220 is a prerequisite for HESC420, any student taking HESC420 would be taking more than one course from section 2.

This need not affect our previous agreement with regard to reserving some seats in the spring section of HESC420 for ME students who have already taken the HESC220 prerequisite.

Let me know if you would like to discuss this further.


Tom Buchanan wrote:


I anticipate about 10 students in the college of engineering, most of these would be merely converting from the concentration to the minor. It is difficult to determine how many students from other programs will be interested. I expect a few from biology, bit I also expect that they will likely take the BISC courses instead of the HESC courses. Note that in this new formula, the HESC courses are not required as they currently are in our biomedical engineering concentration. Hence, I expect there will be fewer courses taken in HESC under this plan.


From: Susan J. Hall []
Wednesday, March 01, 2006 10:05 AM
To: Tom Buchanan
Subject: Re: Minor in Biomedical Engineering

Hello Tom,
I will get back to you on this after conferring with a few people. Can you provide an estimate of how many students you anticipate would participate in the minor once it is up and running?

Tom Buchanan wrote:

Dear Susan,

We are putting together a minor in Biomedical Engineering and I am writing to ask your approval to list HESC 220 and HESC 440 as elective courses. This minor would replace our current concentration in biomedical engineering. The attached document describes the complete list of requirements for the minor.

I believe that this minor is something that may be appealing to your students and I hope that it would receive your support.



Thomas S. Buchanan, Ph.D.

Chair of Mechanical Engineering

University of Delaware

126 Spencer Laboratories

Newark, DE 19716 USA

Ph: 1-302-831-2423  Fax: 1-302-831-3619
