To:  Alan Fox

            Chair of Coordinating Committee on Education


From:  Charles Mason

            Chair of Graduate Studies Committee


Subject:  Request for Permanent Status of the MS in Health Services Administration


The Graduate Studies Committee voted unanimously to recommend a three-year extension of the provisional status of the Master of Science program in Health Services Administration.  Our recommendation is based on the following:


1.  Both the Chair of the School of Nursing and the Dean of the Health Sciences College recommended an extension of this program for one year.


2.  The Graduate Studies Committee believes two years is needed for further development of this program and a third year is needed to accomplish updated reviews by the appropriate faculty senate committees.


3.  There is an indication by the Chair of the School of Nursing that the companion Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program in Health Services Administration may be eliminated and, if so, the MS in Health Services Administration would be the only program available for nursing students wishing to study in this area.


4.  The extension period will give the program director and faculty an opportunity to address the concerns raised in the Permanent Status Program Review report.