Resolution to Create a New Bachelor of Arts
(BA) Degree in Environmental Studies
University of Delaware currently offers a collaborative BS degree program in
Environmental Science that is rigorous and well established; and
part of the University of Delaware's Path to ProminenceTM is focused on becoming a greener, more
environmentally aware campus and on highlighting and enhancing opportunities
for undergraduates to engage in environmental degree programs; and
the proposed degree program extends UD's environmental options and reflects the
fact that the Earth and its resources connect to all facets of human existence.
Additionally, the proposed degree program enhances the opportunities for
those students interested in studying the environment through the perspectives of
policy, economics, and social science; and
using a collaborative and distributed model, the degree programs utilizes the
current strengths at the University of Delaware and gives students a
broad-based, interdisciplinary introduction to environmental policies and
issues; the common analytical tools needed to explore them in depth through
their specific concentration areas; and the ability to integrate and synthesize
information from a multidisciplinary perspective;
BE IT RESOLVED that the Faculty Senate recommends approval provisionally, for
five years, the establishment of a new major leading to the distributed BA
degree in Environmental Studies.