University of Delaware

Office of Residence Life


2009-2010 Final



The upper division residence halls include Central, Christiana Towers, Independence South and Ray Street complexes.  In total these areas include a mix of approximately 4000 sophomore (approximately 55%), junior (approximately 35%), and senior (approximately 15%) students.  The upper division halls have unique characteristics and traditions resulting from special programs such as Special Interest Housing, Upper-class Honors housing, apartment-style and suite-style living.  Due to the variety in type of student and housing, a wider variety of options affects the programming for these areas.


The upper division plan includes activities to promote student interaction, attend to social needs, and generate opportunities for students to contribute to community life.  The upper division plan continues reflection and exploration of citizenship with students while also providing opportunities for them to examine their undergraduate goals and plan for their future success within and outside of the University.


Staff members are expected to follow the guidelines within the program plan in developing activities for students.  An emphasis is placed on partnering with professionally trained staff and students whose involvement will advance the residents’ understanding of citizenship.


With the exception of the floor and building meetings held at opening, all activities detailed in this plan are attendance-optional.  Students will not face penalties, perceived or real, for failing to engage in residential activities and programs. Staff and students will be aware that no activity in the residence halls is mandatory.


Repeating Themes in the Upper Division Program Plan:


Resident Assistant (RA) and Resident Relationship:

The RA-resident relationship can be critical to the success of a residence hall student. In the upper-division halls, the role can often evolve from one of support to a partnering relationship. A series of optional RA conversations are included as part of the plan to provide students who want the opportunity to participate in this important relationship.  Community floor meetings, residence hall student government (CCC), and the promotion of campus events also continue to be priorities in the upper-division halls.


Student Life Showcase:

The complex staff will develop an activity in collaboration with a Division of Student Life unit to highlight the works and/or a specific event of that unit.  This will allow our students to utilize the resources at the University with which they may not yet be familiar as well as allow Residence Life to showcase campus events.  On a monthly basis, the Complex Coordinator will be responsible to work with staff and students to decide which Division of Student Life resource would best benefit residents during that month’s showcase. 


Scholar Support Series:

This series is designed to highlight for students that their academic skills need to continue to adapt to new challenges as their classes become more challenging after their first year.  Students will be offered opportunities to learn new or enhance old skills as well as be encouraged to take advantage of services offered on campus (Writing Center, Communication Fellows, Library Workshops, etc.).  Campus departments which offer these services will be consulted to develop a plan which best utilizes the services of that department and provides for best information delivery to the residents.  Hall Directors will work with the Resident Assistants and students to decide which opportunity would best serve residents during that month’s event which will be approved by the Complex Coordinator to ensure variety and quality of events. Campus experts/professionals/faculty will be utilized when appropriate to offer the programs in the series.


Community Development Series:

Through this monthly program series, students will be offered opportunities for community and individual development.  This series, in addition to the RA and resident relationship, allows the Resident Assistant to understand and address the needs of the residents.  Through supervision meetings, Resident Assistants and their Hall Director will discuss the issues residents are facing and decide on the topic which should be addressed for the series.  Topics will be approved by the Complex Coordinator to ensure variety and quality of events. Campus experts/professionals/faculty will be utilized when appropriate to offer the programs in the series.


Service Initiatives:

Semester-long service projects will be coordinated in an effort to offer opportunities for students to make their own unique contributions to the community.  Events will be coordinated as a complex initiative.


Weekend Events:

Weekend socials are a time for our residents to relax with their fellow community members.  To highlight the high percentage of students involved with registered student organizations (RSOs) and the diverse offerings of these organizations, staffs are encouraged to partner with residents involved in RSOs in developing these activities.


Bulletin Boards:

Bulletin Boards listed in the plan are done one for each building.  RAs may use one of these bulletin boards for their floor or create a new one and will develop topic and content with approval and assistance from their HD and CC.

·        World Headlines:

Newspapers from across the globe will be examined on a monthly basis to extrapolate one major event. Four to six articles, representing different perspectives, will be posted in public spaces for students to review.  Each complex will be responsible for selecting the articles chosen and posted in common areas.


·        UD: An Environmentally Sustainably Minded Community:

A member of the University of Delaware community (student, faculty, or staff) who is working on environmental sustainability initiatives will be identified and featured monthly (with member permission). It is expected that many aspects of environmental sustainability, visible in our local community (UD), will be featured through this monthly series.


We Are UD:

A monthly posting will be crafted, with the participation of appropriate units, to offer information on major commemorative dates such as Latino Heritage Month, African American Heritage Month, World AIDS day, and others. The monthly posting will also provide students with a listing of activities, events, and campus lectures should they wish to explore the topic further.







Welcome Newsletter

This newsletter will introduce students to the residential complex and will be distributed to students electronically through the PO Box system.


Scholar Support Series

On a monthly basis each building staff will provide opportunities to students to explore academic support related topics designed to support and encourage a student’s academic endeavors.  Topics may include declaring a major, study skills support, time management, library resources, preparing for graduate school, and investigating study abroad opportunities.


Student Life Showcase

On a monthly basis each complex, in collaboration with an office from the Division of Student Life, will provide opportunities to students to explore developmental topics connected to student needs. 

Community Development Series

This program series will be developed based on assessment by building staff and student input. Topics may include stress management, conflict resolution, exercise and nutrition, body image, healthy relationships, off campus living skills, financial responsibility, and group dynamics.

Student Initiative Fund

Students will have the opportunity to learn about the Student Initiative Fund through an event aimed at promoting its use for social, educational, and service related activities.

Social Events

Complex Kick-off Week

Each complex will host various social events to build community within and across buildings.

Special Interest Housing (SIH) Communities Events (Ray St.)

Each community will offer a program based on their theme.

First Year Reunions

Rodney/Dickinson/Russell “class” reunions to re-connect first year cohorts

Weekend Events

On Friday and Saturday evenings residents are invited to one of the lounges for various social activities.   When possible, staff will seek assistance from RSOs to help and/or these events will tie in to service initiative events.

Floor Meetings

Opening Day Floor Meeting

Opening Floor Meeting – This is an avenue for students to get to know their RA and other floor residents through participation in various team-building activities. The RA will discuss the floor vision and expectations for the year.

Opening Day Building Meeting

Opening Building Meeting – Students will become familiar with residence hall polices, code of conduct expectations, including a discussion of alcohol policies and expectations, Complex Community Council (CCC) leadership opportunities, the building staff, and the Community Police Officer. Led by the Hall Director, there will be a discussion of the potential student opportunities.

September Floor Meeting

RAs will share information and ideas from the Floor Vision bulletin board with the residents and together the floor members will develop a floor vision statement.




RAs will introduce themselves to each resident on their floor, welcome him/her to the floor community, and answer any opening-day questions. This initial connection is also purposeful for the RA to show their availability to students.

RA Conversations

Upper Division Goal Setting

Building on the September floor meeting and September programs, this optional RA-student dialogue lays the foundation for a mutually beneficial relationship. Moreover, the conversation allows the student to construct and verbalize his/her personal and career goals while considering strategies to achieve those goals. 


Roommate/Suitemate Agreements

Those students opting to complete a roommate agreement will be able to develop strategies for respectful conversation and coexistence. Student pairs will also be encouraged to choose an environmentally sustainable goal and hold one another accountable for the achievement of that goal over the course of the semester.

Bulletin Boards

Floor Vision

A statement created by each RA communicating the living-learning environment he/she hopes to cultivate in conjunction with the floor community.   The board will also allow space for residents to write their own floor vision.  This vision sets the stage for the September floor meeting and the October stakeholder agreement by introducing the role each student could play on the floor.

Welcoming Messages

RAs will be responsible for creating a visually appealing floor environment that welcomes students to their community. These include door decorations, welcome back banners, and other thematic visuals.

Campus & Sustainability Resources

RAs will create a visual display of campus resources and environmentally sustainable resources at UD.

National Campus Fire Safety Month

Each building will have a bulletin board detailing fire safety facts.

Leadership Opportunities

Each building will provide information on specific leadership opportunities available within the complex and across campus.

UD: An Environmentally Sustainably Minded Community

A bulletin board will highlight a university employee or student and their contributions to an environmentally sustainable society through their chosen vocation or community involvement. This is meant to provide an example of the connections that exist between sustainable decision making, a community, and citizenship. (ESC)

We Are UD


Student Activities Night

Staff will support the university and student activities through advertisement and support of student attendance at this event.

Latino Heritage Month

Information related to Latino Heritage Month will be posted along with engaging questions. Campus events and opportunities will be advertised as additional opportunities for exploration of this topic. Complex staffs will work with faculty, other departments, and RSOs to provide a program to celebrate this area in complex.

Complex Community Council (CCC) Initiative s


Students will be introduced to leadership opportunities within the complex though an informational recruitment campaign. Students expressing interest will be able to publicize their candidacy, develop a platform, and solicit votes from other students within the complex. Students will also be able to complete a survey on the importance of voting; the results of which will be posted on complex websites.

Student Leader Training (Ray St.)

Special Interest Housing leaders’ orientation, team building, training, and goal setting. 

Elections/Executive Board Formation

Students will be able to learn about democratic processes through CCC elections, meet the executive board candidates, learn about community expectations and opportunities, and ultimately select their student leaders. Those students who did not vote will have an opportunity to select a candidate the next day through a mock “absentee ballot.”


Administrative processes & responding to student needs

Work to meet the general safety, security, and personal needs of students. 


Administrative processes: early check-in, regular check-in/opening, RHR/IR conversations, keys/card administration, room changes, fire drills, packages, duty rounds, office hours, crisis response, etc).






Stakeholder Agreement

Students will have the opportunity to engage in a discussion with other community members about the connections between environmentally sustainable decision-making, the impact those decisions have on their community, as well as becoming a good citizen.

Scholar Support Series

On a monthly basis each building staff will provide opportunities to students to explore academic support related topics designed to support and encourage a student’s academic endeavors.  Topics may include declaring a major, study skills support, time management, library resources, preparing for graduate school, and investigating study abroad opportunities.

Student Life Showcase

On a monthly basis each complex, in collaboration with an office from the Division of Student Life, will provide opportunities to students to explore developmental topics connected to student needs. 

Community Development Series

This program series will be developed based on assessment by building staff and student input. Topics may include stress management, conflict resolution, exercise and nutrition, body image, healthy relationships, off campus living skills, financial responsibility, and group dynamics.

Service Initiatives

Students will be encouraged to identify a charity or cause to take action on through semester-long service activities.


SIH Communities' Events (Ray St.)

Each community will offer a program based on their theme.

Social Events

Weekend Events

On Friday and Saturday evenings residents are invited to one of the lounges for various social activities.   When possible, staff will seek assistance from RSOs to help and/or these events will tie in to service initiative events.


Art Under the Stars (Central)

Students will have the opportunity to attend an event centered on art in all forms (music, painting, dancing, etc). 

Floor Meeting

Career Services Presentation

After being trained by the staff of the Career Services Center, Hall Directors will highlight a new “certificate program” being developed by CSC. This presentation will be developed in collaboration with the Career Services Center Staff.

RA Conversations

General Follow-up

Students will have the opportunity to talk with their RA about service initiatives, classes, and life on the floor. (floor-RA)


World Headlines

A current event reflecting an ethical issue will be selected and various angles will be portrayed through at least 5 national and international newspaper sources in a bulletin board format.

Bulletin Boards

UD: An Environmentally Sustainably Minded Community

A bulletin board will highlight a university employee and their contributions to an environmentally sustainable society through their chosen vocation. This is meant to provide an example of the connections that exist between sustainable decision-making, a community, and citizenship.

National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week

Information on the individual and community impact of binge drinking on the students.

“Have You Considered This?”

Monthly environmental sustainability tips and/or questions. 

We Are UD


Campus Sustainability

Information about environmental sustainability and UD will be posted along with engaging questions. Campus events and opportunities will be advertised as additional opportunities for exploration of this topic. Complex staffs will work with faculty, other departments, and RSOs to provide a program to celebrate this area in-complex.

National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week

Staff will both advertise/support campus-wide events and develop complimentary programs, as requested, around this topic.

CCC Initiatives

Halloween Events

CCCs will host a variety of Halloween-themed social events.


Administrative processes & responding to student needs

Work to meet the general safety, security, and personal needs of students. 


Administrative processes: RHR/IR conversations, keys/card administration, room changes, fire drills, packages, duty rounds, office hours, crisis response, etc).






Scholar Support Series

On a monthly basis each building staff will provide opportunities to students to explore academic support related topics designed to support and encourage a student’s academic endeavors.  Topics may include declaring a major, study skills support, time management, library resources, preparing for graduate school, and investigating study abroad opportunities.

Student Life Showcase

On a monthly basis each complex, in collaboration with an office from the Division of Student Life, will provide opportunities to students to explore developmental topics connected to student needs. 

Community Development Series

This program series will be developed based on assessment by building staff and student input. Topics may include stress management, conflict resolution, exercise and nutrition, body image, healthy relationships, off campus living skills, financial responsibility, and group dynamics.

Service Initiatives

Students will be given the opportunity to take part in service activities related to the charity or cause they identified in October.

Social Events

SIH Communities Events (Ray St.)

Each community will offer a program based on their theme.

Weekend Events

On Friday and Saturday evenings residents are invited to one of the lounges for various social activities. When possible, staff will seek assistance from RSOs to help and/or these events will tie in to service initiative events.

Casino Night (Central)

A social experience for students in central complex.

Floor Meeting

Map It Out

Students will have the opportunity to work together to explore where environmentally sustainable decision making, community, and citizenship intersect. Faculty will be consulted in the design of the outline for this exercise. RAs will also address Thanksgiving closing process.

RA Conversations

General Follow-up

Students will have the opportunity to discuss that month’s programs and activities with their RA.

Bulletin Boards

World Headlines

A current event topic reflecting an ethical issue will be selected and various angles will be portrayed through at least 5 national and international newspaper sources in a bulletin board format.

UD: An Environmentally Sustainably Minded Community

A bulletin board will highlight a university employee and their contributions to an environmentally sustainable society through their chosen vocation. This is meant to provide an example of the connections that exist between sustainable decision making, a community, and citizenship.

Military Service Recognition

In recognition of Veteran’s Day and those students who have families deployed, a bulletin board will be designed to recognize current military service members and veterans emphasizing the importance of citizenship through service to the country.

“Have You Considered This?”

Monthly environmental sustainability tips and/or questions. 

We Are UD


Celebrate the Arts

Arts at UD and the Newark community will be highlighted and promoted.

CCC Initiatives

Student Leader Initiatives

On-going events initiated, planned, and organized by CCC student leaders. 


Administrative processes & responding to student needs

Work to meet the general safety, security, and personal needs of students. 

Administrative processes: Thanksgiving closing, RHR/IR conversations, keys/card administration, room changes, fire drills, packages, duty rounds, office hours, crisis response, etc).







Scholar Support Series

On a monthly basis each building staff will provide opportunities to students to explore academic support related topics designed to support and encourage a student’s academic endeavors.  Topics may include declaring a major, study skills support, time management, library resources, preparing for graduate school, and investigating study abroad opportunities.

Community Development Series

This program series will be developed based on assessment by building staff and student input. Topics may include stress management, conflict resolution, exercise and nutrition, body image, healthy relationships, off campus living skills, financial responsibility, and group dynamics.

Service Initiatives

Students will be given the opportunity to take part in service activities related to the charity or cause they identified in October.

Student Life Showcase

On a monthly basis each complex, in collaboration with an office from the Division of Student Life, will provide opportunities to students to explore developmental topics connected to student needs. 

Social Events

SIH Communities Events (Ray St.)

Each community will offer a program based on their theme.


Weekend Events

On Friday and Saturday evenings residents are invited to one of the lounges for various social activities. When possible, staff will seek assistance from RSOs to help and/or these events will tie in to service initiative events.

Floor Meeting

Closing Information & Spring Preview

RAs will review fall semester closing procedures and checklists. Also, staff will describe March’s “Study Abroad Show & Tell” for those students studying abroad over winter session to prepare presentations for other community members.

RA Conversations

General Follow-up

Students will have the opportunity to talk with their RA about end-of-semester issues.

Bulletin Boards

World Headlines

A current event topic reflecting an ethical issue will be selected and various angles will be portrayed through at least 5 national and international newspaper sources in a bulletin board format.

UD: An Environmentally Sustainably Minded Community

A bulletin board will highlight a university employee and their contributions to an environmentally sustainable society through their chosen vocation. This is meant to provide an example of the connections that exist between sustainable decision making, a community, and citizenship.

“Have You Considered This?”

Monthly environmental sustainability tips and/or questions. 

We Are UD


World AIDS Day

Information about AIDS will be posted along with reflective questions. Campus events and opportunities will be advertised as additional opportunities for exploration of this topic. Complex staffs will work with faculty, other departments, and RSOs to provide a program to celebrate this area in complex.

CCC Initiatives

Study Breaks

Complex Community Councils will be encouraged to provide study breaks to relieve student stress during this busy time of year.


Student Leader Initiatives

On-going events initiated, planned, and organized by CCC student leaders. 


Administrative processes & responding to student needs

Work to meet the general safety, security, and personal needs of students. 


Administrative processes: fall semester closing and check-out, mid-year room changes, RHR/IR conversations, keys/card administration, room changes, fire drills, packages, duty rounds, office hours, crisis response, etc).





Social Events

Community Builder

Each RA will be responsible for a community builder with their floor that encourages connections among winter session residents.

Floor Meeting

Safety Meeting

Students taking winter session classes will be invited to the lounge to remind them how to stay safe during a lower-occupancy period in the residence halls.

RA Conversations

General Follow-up

Lower occupancy during winter session will allow the RAs to have an opportunity to connect with those students taking winter session classes more frequently.

Bulletin Boards

World Headlines

A current event topic reflecting an ethical issue will be selected and various angles will be portrayed through at least 5 national and international newspaper sources in a bulletin board format.

UD: An Environmentally Sustainably Minded Community

A bulletin board will highlight a university employee and their contributions to an environmentally sustainable society through their chosen vocation. This is meant to provide an example of the connections that exist between sustainable decision making, a community, and citizenship.

“Have You Considered This?”

Monthly environmental sustainability tips and/or questions. 


Administrative processes & responding to student needs

Work to meet the general safety, security, and personal needs of students. 


Administrative processes: check-in, mid-year room changes, RHR/IR conversations, keys/card administration, room changes, fire drills, packages, duty rounds, office hours, crisis response, etc).







Recyclemania kick-off: Students will participate in campus-wide activity to promote recycling efforts.

Scholar Support Series

On a monthly basis each building staff will provide opportunities to students to explore academic support related topics designed to support and encourage a student’s academic endeavors.  Topics may include declaring a major, study skills support, time management, library resources, preparing for graduate school, and investigating study abroad opportunities.

Student Life Showcase

On a monthly basis each complex, in collaboration with an office from the Division of Student Life, will provide opportunities to students to explore developmental topics connected to student needs. 

Community Development Series

This program series will be developed based on assessment by building staff and student input. Topics may include stress management, conflict resolution, exercise and nutrition, body image, healthy relationships, off campus living skills, financial responsibility, and group dynamics.

Service Initiatives

Students will be encouraged to identify a charity or cause to take action on through semester-long service activities.


SIH Communities Events (Ray St.)

Each community will offer a program based on their theme.

Social Events

Weekend Events

On Friday and Saturday evenings residents are invited to one of the lounges for various social activities. When possible, staff will seek assistance from RSOs to help and/or these events will tie in to service initiative events.


Central Live (Central)

Talent show highlighting artistic abilities of students in the Central Complex residence halls.

Floor Meeting

Service Initiative Planning

Students will learn more about the various service initiatives taking place through April and May, specifically Soap for Hope, Relay for Life and UDANCE. At this meeting, students may choose to become team leaders or floor representatives for these initiatives.

RA Conversations

Environmental Sustainability Discussion

During this optional conversation, students will be asked to reflect on their fall semester with specific consideration for their feelings and opinions about environmental sustainability. Subsequently, students will have another opportunity to set semester goals with their RA (with focus on sustainability and engagement goals). 

Bulletin Boards

World Headlines

A current event topic reflecting an ethical issue will be selected and various angles will be portrayed through at least 5 national and international newspaper sources in a bulletin board format.

UD: An Environmentally Sustainably Minded Community

A bulletin board will highlight a university employee and their contributions to an environmentally sustainable society through their chosen vocation. This is meant to provide an example of the connections that exist between sustainable decision making, a community, and citizenship.

Living Options

Housing Fair, off-campus apartment safety, Good Neighbor (Newark citizenship) information.


Alternative Spring Break Options

A bulletin board depicting service opportunities over spring break will be displayed within each building.

We Are UD


African American History Month

Information about African American History will be posted along with reflective questions. Campus events and opportunities will be advertised as additional opportunities for exploration of this topic. Complex staffs will work with faculty, other departments, and RSOs to provide a program to celebrate this area in complex.

Vagina Monologues

Staff will advertise this event.

Housing Fair

Staff will advertise this event. 

CCC Initiatives

Spring Budget Planning

Executive board members will draft a spring budget proposal for submission and approval.

Student Leader Initiatives

On-going events initiated, planned, and organized by CCC student leaders. 


Administrative processes & responding to student needs

Work to meet the general safety, security, and personal needs of students. 


Administrative processes: spring check-in, RHR/IR conversations, keys/card administration, room changes, fire drills, packages, duty rounds, office hours, crisis response, etc).






Study Abroad Show & Tell

Students who studied abroad over winter session will have the opportunity to share and elaborate on their experiences with fellow community members.

Soap for Hope

Students will be encouraged to participate in the annual Soap for Hope drive.

Scholar Support Series

On a monthly basis each building staff will provide opportunities to students to explore academic support related topics designed to support and encourage a student’s academic endeavors.  Topics may include declaring a major, study skills support, time management, library resources, preparing for graduate school, and investigating study abroad opportunities.

Student Life Showcase

On a monthly basis each complex, in collaboration with an office from the Division of Student Life, will provide opportunities to students to explore developmental topics connected to student needs. 

Community Development Series

This program series will be developed based on assessment by building staff and student input. Topics may include stress management, conflict resolution, exercise and nutrition, body image, healthy relationships, off campus living skills, financial responsibility, and group dynamics.

Service Initiative

Students will be given the opportunity to take part in service activities related to the charity or cause they identified in February.


SIH Communities Events (Ray St.)

Each community will provide a program based on their theme.

Social Events

Weekend Events

On Friday and Saturday evenings residents are invited to one of the lounges for various social activities. When possible, staff will seek assistance from RSOs to help and/or these events will tie in to service initiative events.


Warner Week (Central)

A week of events highlighting the history of Warner Hall and the empowerment of women.

Floor Meeting

Community Development

This floor meeting will focus on the floor residents connecting through discussion of the service initiative chosen.  Spring break safety and closing will also be discussed.

RA Conversations

General Follow-up

Students will have the opportunity to discuss how they are doing on goals, semester progress, stress level, etc.

Bulletin Boards

World Headlines

A current event topic reflecting an ethical issue will be selected and various angles will be portrayed through at least 5 national and international newspaper sources in a bulletin board format.

UD: An Environmentally Sustainably Minded Community

A bulletin board will highlight a university employee and their contributions to an environmentally sustainable society through their chosen vocation. This is meant to provide an example of the connections that exist between sustainable decision making, a community, and citizenship.

Spring Break Ambassador

Tips on being a positive representative of US when out of the country for break. Study Abroad Office will be asked to assist with content.

Spring Break Safety

Tips on travel safety during Spring Break.  University of Delaware Police Department will be asked to assist with content.

We Are UD


Women’s History Month

Information about women’s history will be posted along with reflective questions. Campus events and opportunities will be advertised as additional opportunities for exploration of this topic. Complex staffs will work with faculty, other departments, and RSOs to provide a program to celebrate this area in complex.


Staff will encourage students to take a personal investment in UD’s Recyclemania campaign through active contribution and peer encouragement. This on-going event also serves as the service initiative for the month.

CCC Initiatives

Student Leader Initiatives

On-going events initiated, planned, and organized by CCC student leaders. 


Administrative processes & responding to student needs

Work to meet the general safety, security, and personal needs of students. 


Administrative processes: spring break closing, RHR/IR conversations, keys/card administration, room changes, fire drills, packages, duty rounds, office hours, crisis response, etc).






Scholar Support Series

On a monthly basis each building staff will provide opportunities to students to explore academic support related topics designed to support and encourage a student’s academic endeavors.  Topics may include declaring a major, study skills support, time management, library resources, preparing for graduate school, and investigating study abroad opportunities.

Student Life Showcase

On a monthly basis each complex, in collaboration with an office from the Division of Student Life, will provide opportunities to students to explore developmental topics connected to student needs. 

Community Development Series

This program series will be developed based on assessment by building staff and student input. Topics may include stress management, conflict resolution, exercise and nutrition, body image, healthy relationships, off campus living skills, financial responsibility, and group dynamics.

Service Initiative

Students will be given the opportunity to take part in service activities related to the charity or cause they identified in February.

Social Events

SIH Communities Events (Ray St.)

Each community will offer a program based on their theme.

Weekend Events

On Friday and Saturday evenings residents are invited to one of the lounges for various social activities. When possible, staff will seek assistance from RSOs to help and/or these events will tie in to service initiative events.

Art Under the Sun (Central)

Students will have the opportunity to attend an event centered on art in all forms (music, painting, dancing, etc). 

Floor Meeting

Community Development

This floor meeting will focus on the floor residents connecting through discussion of the service initiative chosen.

RA Conversations

General Follow-up

Students will have the opportunity to discuss their interest in being a floor representative for service initiatives, earth week celebrations, and end of the year items.

Bulletin Boards

World Headlines

A current event topic reflecting an ethical issue will be selected and various angles will be portrayed through at least 5 national and international newspaper sources in a bulletin board format. (floor-CC, Assistant Director)

Sexual Assault Awareness  Month

Information about SAAM activities and events.

UD: An Environmentally Sustainably Minded Community

A bulletin board will highlight a university employee and their contributions to an environmentally sustainable society through their chosen vocation. This is meant to provide an example of the connections that exist between sustainable decision making, a community, and citizenship.

“Have You Considered This?”

Monthly environmental sustainability tips and/or questions. 

We Are UD


CBC Step Show

Information about step shows and other cultural celebrations within the black community will be posted along with reflective questions. The campus event itself will be advertised as an opportunity for exploration of this topic.

Earth Day

Promotion of Earth Day events and campus speakers.

CCC Initiatives

Student Leader Initiatives

On-going events initiated, planned, and organized by CCC student leaders. 


Administrative processes & responding to student needs

Work to meet the general safety, security, and personal needs of students. 


Administrative processes: RHR/IR conversations, keys/card administration, room changes, fire drills, packages, duty rounds, office hours, crisis response, etc).






Scholar Support Series

On a monthly basis each building staff will provide opportunities to students to explore academic support related topics designed to support and encourage a student’s academic endeavors.  Topics may include declaring a major, study skills support, time management, library resources, preparing for graduate school, and investigating study abroad opportunities.

Student Life Showcase

On a monthly basis each complex, in collaboration with an office from the Division of Student Life, will provide opportunities to students to explore developmental topics connected to student needs. 

Community Development Series

This program series will be developed based on assessment by building staff and student input. Topics may include stress management, conflict resolution, exercise and nutrition, body image, healthy relationships, off campus living skills, financial responsibility, and group dynamics.

Service Initiative

Students will be given the opportunity to take part in service activities related to the charity or cause they identified in February.

Social Events

Student Recognition & Celebration

All complexes will either share or create various recognition and end-of-the-year celebration events. For example: Student Leadership Awards, Ray Fair (Ray St.), and CRAB Fest (Christiana Towers).

SIH Communities Events (Ray St.)

Each community will offer a program based on their theme.

Awards Reception

RL Student Leadership Awards recognizing contributions of residence hall students and communities.

Weekend Events

On Friday and Saturday evenings residents are invited to one of the lounges for various social activities. When possible, staff will seek assistance from RSOs to help and/or these events will tie in to service initiative events.

Floor Meeting

Closing & Celebration

RAs will celebrate community accomplishments (i.e. Recyclemania, Soap for Hope, and Relay for Life fundraising), recognize community leaders (both formal and informal), and wrap up the year.

RA Conversations

General Follow-up

Students will have the opportunity to reflect on their academic year goals and consider them as they close out the year. RAs may also begin the process of saying goodbye or redefining relationships for the following year.

Bulletin Boards

World Headlines

A current event topic reflecting an ethical issue will be selected and various angles will be portrayed through at least 5 national and international newspaper sources in a bulletin board format.

UD: An Environmentally Sustainably Minded Community

A bulletin board will highlight a university employee and their contributions to an environmentally sustainable society through their chosen vocation. This is meant to provide an example of the connections that exist between sustainable decision making, a community, and citizenship.

“Have You Considered This?”

Monthly environmental sustainability tips and/or questions. 

We Are UD

Relay for Life

Staff will encourage students to take a personal investment in UD’s annual Relay for Life through active contribution and peer encouragement.

CCC Initiatives

Social Events & Study Breaks

Complex Community Councils will be encouraged to provide end-of-the-year social events and study breaks to relieve student stress during this busy time of year.

Student Leader Initiatives

On-going events initiated, planned, and organized by CCC student leaders. 


Administrative processes & responding to student needs

Work to meet the general safety, security, and personal needs of students. 


Administrative processes: spring check-out & closing, RHR/IR conversations, keys/card administration, room changes, packages, duty rounds, office hours, crisis response, etc).