Draft of Faculty
Senate Resolution on University Breadth Requirements
Recommendation from the Ad Hoc
Committee on University Breadth requirements ( Avron
Abraham, Chair)with the concurrence of
Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair), the Coordinating Committee
on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu,
Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the implementation
of University breadth requirements
Whereas, The University of Delaware does not have a set of breadth
courses that meet requirements for all majors and
Whereas, it has been difficult for students, advisors and faculty to
understand which courses transfer between colleges, departments, majors and
programs, and
Whereas it would benefit all students to be
exposed to courses outside of their major area of study, be it therefore
Resolved that beginning with the academic year 2010-2011 a list of
courses submitted by the Colleges will be designated as meeting University
breadth requirements
And be it further resolved
that all students will be required to complete a minimum of
12 credits from the list of breadth courses
And be it further resolved
all students will be required to take a minimum of one course from the
following categories receiving a minimum grade of C-, in order to meet the University requirement:
Arts and Humanities
- History and Cultural Change
- Social and Behavioral Sciences
Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology
And be it further resolved
that a standing faculty senate
committee, with representation from all the Colleges, which reports to the
Senate Undergraduate Studies Committee would provide the oversight of the
placement of breadth courses in appropriate categories, and ensure that the
intent of breadth remains inclusive while maintaining a substantial list of
courses that encourage exploration by the student in areas outside of their