Monday, February 11, 2002



9:00 a.m.                                                                                                 316 Gore Hall



1.                    Adoption of the Agenda


2.                    Approval of Minutes:  January 28, 2002


3.                    Old Business:

4.                    1.             New Major: Doctor of Physical Therapy (Attachment 1,  Attachment 2, Attachment 3, Attachment 4, Attachment 5)

5.                    New Business:


6.                    1.             Research Policy 6-6  Attachment 1

                2.             Honors B.S. in Medical Technology.   (Attachment 1)  (Attachment 2)

                3.             Food Business Management and Technology.  New major. Jointly sponsored by Depts. of  Food & Resource Economics and                                         Animal and Food Science. (Attachment 1)

4.             Revision of Food Science major.

                                                a) Food Science concentration.  (Attachment)

                                                b) Food Technology concentration.  (Attachment)

                5.             Deletion of Bioresources Engineering Technology major.  (Attachment)

                6.             Revision of Wildlife Conservation major.   (Attachment)      


6.             Other:

                a.             Annette Giesecke was listed as absent on the December 3 minutes.  Please amend the minutes to read that she was present.

                b.             Nominations for Excellence in Teaching and Undergraduate Academic Advising Awards are now being accepted on line with a

new web-based  form.  The locations of these two web sites are




7.             Next Meeting:  February 18, 2002