February 12, 2001

I.     Adoption of the Agenda

II.    Approval of the Minutes: December 4, 2000

III.   Remarks: Provost Melvyn Schiavelli

IV   Announcements: Senate President Judy Van Name

V. Consent Agenda
     A.     Announcements for Challenge:
               1.    Revision to the minor in American Material Culture Studies
               2.    Revision to the major: B.A. Chemistry
               3.    Revision to the major: B.A. Chemistry Education
               4.    Revision to the major: B.S. Biochemistry
               5.    Request to establish new majors: Honors B.S. and Honors B.S. with Distinction in
                      Elementary  Teacher Education
                6.   Request to establish a new major: Honors B.A. in Sociology
                7.   Revision to the major: Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Fine Arts
                8.   Revision to the major: Biological Sciences Education
                9.   Revision to the major: B.A. Criminal Justice
               10.  Revision to the major: M.S. Entomology and Applied Ecology
               11.  Request to change name of the concentration from Nursing Administration, M.S.N. to Health
                      Services Administration, M.S.N.
                12. Revision to the MS degree: Human Nutrition
                13. Revision to the major: MFA in Theatre (all concentrations)
                14  Revision to the major: MS in Exercise Science

    B.        Resolutions
                 1.    Request to delete the concentration, Professional Development (MS in Exercise Science)
                 2.    Request for permanent status to the major: Early Childhood Development and Education
                 3.    Request for permanent status to the majors: BA in German and Political Science; BA in Spanish and Political
                        Science; BA in French and Political Science
                 4.    Request for permanent status to the major: BA in History and Foreign Languages
                 5.    Request from Committee on Diversity and Affirmative Action to recruit minority faculty

VI. Agenda
      A. Old Business - None
      B. New Business – None

VII. Introduction of New Business