SUMMARY OF AGENDA

                                           Monday, March 4, 2002



I.          Adoption of the Agenda


II.          Approval of the Minutes:  February 11, 2002


III.                  Remarks:  Dan Rich, Acting Provost


IV.               Announcements: Senate President James Richards


V.                 Announcements for Challenge:

A.        Honors B.S. Medical Technology (Attachment 1) (Attachment 2)

B.        Revision to Food Science major

            a.         Food Science concentration (Attachment)

            b.         Food Technology concentration (Attachment)

C.        Deletion of Bioresources Engineering major (Attachment)

D.        Revision of Wildlife Conservation major (Attachment)

E.        Revision to Health Behavior Management (Attachment)

F.         Revision to Exercise Science admission requirements (Attachment 1)

G.        Revision to Figure Skating Science Concentration (Attachment)

H.        Honors major in Exercise Science (Attachment)

I.          Revision to Biomechanics Concentration (Attachment)

J.         Revision to Sports Management Concentration (Attachment)

K.        Revision to Recreation and Park Administration Concentration (Attachment)

L.         Revision to Athletic Training major (Attachment)

M.        Revision to Physical Education Studies major (Attachment)(Revised Catalog Copy)

N.        Establishment of interest areas, Health and Physical Education (Attachment)

O.        Change in degree title from Master of Electrical Engineering to Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering and Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering to Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Attachment)

P.        Revision to Master of Business Administration major (Attachment)


VI.        Old Business:



VII.       New Business:

A.        New major: Food Business Management and Technology (jointly sponsored by Department of  Food and Resource Economics and Animal and Food Science) (Attachment)


B.        New major: Doctor of Physical Therapy; disestablish MPT (Attachment 1) (Attachment 2) (Attachment 3) (Attachment 4)


C.        New major:  Advanced degree in Ocean Engineering (jointly sponsored by the College of Engineering and College of Engineering (Attachment)


D.        New major:     B.S. in Management Information Systems (Attachment 1) (Attachment 2) (Attachment 3) (Attachment 4) (Attachment 5) (Attachment 6)        


E.        New major:     B.S. in Information Systems (Attachments are same as Item D)


F.         New major:     M.S. in Information Systems and Technology Management (Attachment 1) (Attachment 2) (Attachment 3) (Attachment 4)


G.        Revision to Research Policy 6-6 (Attachment)


H.        Introduction of New Business