FEBRUARY 14 , 2008



I.                    Old Business:


II.                 New Business:


a.       Revision to the minor in Legal Studies (attachment) (revised attachment)

a.       Revision to the Political Science Major Concentrations (revised attachment)

b.      Request to delete major concentration in Journalism BAAS (revised attachment)

c.       Revision to the major requirements in Health Nutrition and Exercise Sciences  (revised attachment 2-8-08)  (revised attachment 2-8-08)

d.      Revision to three languages major FLL (attachment)

e.       Revision to the requirements for the minor in German (attachment)

f.        Revision to Theater MFA Acting Concentration (Checklist 20) (Policy 21 Revised) (Catalog Copy 40)

g.       Revision to Theater MFA Stage Management (Checklist 22 Revised)

h.       Revision to Theater MFA Technical Production  Concentration (Checklist 23 Revised)

i.         Request for New Biomedical Engineering Concentration for MS and PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Checklist 41) (2005 Policy 46) (Highlighted Policy 48) (Clean Policy 47.2) (Concentrations Catalog Descr 49.1)

j.        Request for New Computer Systems and Networking Concentration for MS and PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Checklist 42)

k.      Request for New Electromagnetics and Photonics Concentration for MS and PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Checklist 43)

l.         Request for New Materials and Devices Concentration for MS and PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Checklist 44.1)

m.     Request for New Signal Processing and Communications and Controls Concentration for MS and PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Checklist 45.1)

n.       Revise major/concentration: Modify breadth requirement regarding Nutrition and Exercise Science:       

1.      Biomechanics and Motor Control Concentration

2.      Exercise Physiology Concentration (attachment)

o.      Revision to the Biomechanics and Motor Control Concentration and Exercise Physiology Concentration:  Remove HESC 250 and revise for DLE (attachment)

p.      Revise major/concentration: Modify breadth requirements regarding Nutrition:  Sport Management (attachment)

q.      Revise major/concentration: Modify breadth requirement regarding Nutrition:  Health Behavior Science (attachment)

r.        Revise major/concentration: Modify breadth requirement regarding Nutrition:  Health and Physical Education (attachment)

s.       Revise major/concentration: Modify breadth requirement regarding Nutrition: Athletic Training (attachment)

t.        Revise the degree program with a concentration in Biotechnology (revised attachment)

u.       Request to create a new major in Animal and Food Sciences (attachment)

v.       Request to create a new major in Pre-Veterinary Medicine and Animal Biosciences (attachment)

w.     Request to delete the major and concentrations in Animal Science (attachment)

x.       Request to delete the major and concentrations in Food Science (attachment)

y.       Request to create a new major in Food Science (attachment) (resolution doc)

z.       Request for a Rubric Change (approved by VP Havidan) (attachment)


III.               Other:


IV.              Adjournment: