University Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education
I. Old Business:
II. New Business
a. (0021)Request to revise the major in Medical Technology (attachment) (revised attachment 1-6-11) (revised attachment 1-6-11) (revised 1-13-11)
b. (0035)Request to revise concentration in Human Services: Concentration in Administration and Family Policy (attachment)
c. (0036)Request to revise concentration in Human Services: Concentration in Clinical Services (attachment)
d. (0037)Request to revise concentration in Human Services: Concentration in Community Education (attachment)
e. (0038)Request to revise concentration in Human Services: Concentration in Family and Consumer Sciences Education (attachment)
f. (0041)Request to revise the major in Computer Science BS (attachment) (revised attachment 1-11-11) (support letter for 0041-0043) (revised side by side 1-17-11)
g. (0042)Request to revise the major in Computer Science BA (attachment) (revised attachment 1-11-11) (revised attachment 1-21-11)
h. 0043)Request to revise the major in Information Systems (attachment) (revised attachment 1-10-11) (revised attachment 1-21-11)
i. (0044)Request to revise the BEE in Electrical Engineering (attachment) (revised side by side 1-17-11) (revised sidebyside 1-21-11)
j. 0045)Request to revise Honors BEE in Electrical Engineering (attachment) (revised side by side 1-17-11) (revised sidebyside 1-21-11)
k. (0046)Request to revise Bachelor of Computer Engineering (attachment) (revised side by side 1-17-11) (revised sidebyside1-21-11)
l. (0047)Request to revise Honors Bachelor of Computer Engineering (attachment) (revised side by side 1-17-11) (revised 1-21-11)
m. (0048)Request to remove Chemical Engineering Mini-Minor requirement (attachment)
n. (0077)Request to revise Journalism Minor – English (attachment) (support attachment)
o. (0018)Request to revise the BS in Accounting (attachment)
p. (0023)Request to revise minor in Exercise Science (attachment)
q. (0024)Request to revise Exercise Science Major and Concentration Medical Scholar (attachment)
r. (0025)Request to revise Exercise Science Major and Concentration Exercise Science Exercise Physiology (attachment)
s. (0026)Request to revise Exercise Science Major and Concentration Exercise Science Biomechanics & Motor Control (attachment)
t. (0027)Request to revise Athletic Training Major (attachment)
u. (0028)Request to revise Major in Health Studies – Occupational Therapy Track (attachment)
v. (0029)Request to revise Major in Health Studies (attachment)
w. (0030)Request to revise Major in Health and Physical Education (attachment)
x. (0031)Request to revise Dietetics Major (attachment)
y. (0032)Request to revise Applied Nutrition Major (attachment)
Graduate Studies Items:
a. Request to add the Nurse Practitioner concentration to the RN to MSN (attachment) (attachment policy manual) (attachment)
b. Request to revise the Program Policy Statement for PhD in Applied Physiology (attachment) (attachment)
c. Request to revise the Program Policy Statement for the Master of Science in Exercise Science (attachment)
d. Request to revise the MS in Exercise Science (attachment)
e. Request to reduce MS in Human Nutrition by 1 credit – from current 32 to 31 (attachment)
f. Request to disestablish the combined MS in Human Nutrition / Dietetic Internship Certificate (attachment)
g. Request to add a Graduate Certificate in Disability Leadership (attachment)
h. Request to revise master degree course requirements, revise policy statement and change name – Fashion Studies to Fashion and Apparel Studies (attachment) (attachmentpolicystatement)
i. Request to revise Graduate Certificate in Fashion and Apparel Studies (attachment)