March 14, 2013


11:00- 011D Hullihen Hall



I. Old Business:


II. New Business:


a.         GRD0288 – Request for approval of allowing transfer of graduate credits beyond nine credits in support of the MCHE Degree as detailed in the attached documentation (attachment) (attachment)

b.         GRD0289 – Request to add a new degree MEd in Teacher Leadership (attachment) (attachment) (resolution attachment)

c.         GRD0280 – Request to add a duel degree MS-HBM and MBA (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)

d.         GRD 0281 – Revise the MA in Social Studies in World History (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (resolution attachment)

e.         GRD 0285 – Add a Master of Arts of Social Studies in World History (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (resolution attachment)

f.          GRD0279GRD 0286- Revise graduate program in CIS – Phd MS (attachment) (attachment)  (revised attachment GRD0279)  (revised attachment 0286) (attachment)

g.         GRD 0287 – Revise MS in Human Development and Family Studies (attachment)


i.          GRD0278


k.         UGS0222 – Add a minor in Sustainable Infrastructure (attachment) (revised attachment)  (attachment)

l.          UGS0251 – Request to add a BS major in Actuarial Sciences (revised attachment) (attachment)

m.        UGS0291 – Request to revise minor in Bioelectrical Engineering (attachment)

n.         UGS0292 – Request to revise Electrical Engineering Major – Add to list of foundation electives (attachment)

o.         UGS0293 – Request to revise Computer Engineering Major – Add to list of foundation electives (attachment)

p.         UGS0294-Request to add an Honors degree with distinction Energy and Environmental Policy (attachment)

q.            0250- Request for permanent approval of the BS in Linguistics and Cognitive Science (attachment) (review team attachment) (attachment) (attachment)























UGS 0233
GRD 0279
GRD 0280
GRD 0281 All documents (a bunch) for this are in folder in Resources on Sakai site.
GRD 0278
GRD 0288