University Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education
Location to be Determined
I. Old Business:
II. New Business:
a. Request to revise major requirements to the PhD English Program - Language Skills (attachment)
b. Request for a new MA program in Economics Education (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)
c. Request for a new PhD in Economics Education (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)
d. Request to revise program requirements: MA in English – Comprehensive Exam (attachment)
e. Request to revise MA program requirements: MA in English (attachment)
f. Request to create a new Master of Arts in Teaching degree – M.A.T. in Science Education (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (resolution)
g. Request for a new Master’s Program in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (attachment) (resolution)
h. Request to change course requirements for Marine Studies MS and PhD (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)
i. Request to add a concentration to the MS in Clinical Exercise Physiology (attachment)
j. Request for a new Graduate degree PSM in Biotechnology (attachment) (attachment)
k. Request for a PhD in Applied Physiology within the Department of Health, Nutrition and Exercise Sciences (attachment )
a. Request to revise requirements for Natural Resource Management Major (attachment)
b. Revise
College Breadth Requirements for the
c. Request to add an Honors BS degree in Psychology (4) (attachment)
d. Request to revise Honors BA degree in Psychology (5) (attachment)
e. Request to revise Honors BA degree in Psychology Education (6) (attachment)
f. Request to add an Honors version of BA/Chemistry degree (8) (attachment)
g. Request to revise BS/BIOC major requirements to be effective immediately (9) (attachment)
h. Request to add an Honors BS to Mathematics Education (11) (attachment)
i. Request to add an Honors BS to Quantitative Biology within the department of Mathematics (12) (attachment)
j. Request to add a new undergraduate academic policy: All UD Associate Degrees – Associate in Arts (AA) and Associate in Sciences (AS) (13) (attachment)
k. Request to revise concentration in English: Professional Writing (14) (attachment)
l. Request to add a new minor in Political Communication (15) (attachment)
m. Request to revise Political Science Education Major (16) (attachment)
n. Request to revise International Relations Major Concentrations (17) (attachment)
o. Request to revise Honors International Relations Major Concentrations (18) (attachment)
p. Request to revise Honors Political Science Major Concentrations (19) (attachment)
q. Request to revise Political Science Major Concentrations (20) (attachment)
r. Request to revise BA Concentrations Three Languages (22) (attachment)
s. Request to add a major: concentration in Japanese Language Literature and Culture (24) (attachment)
t. Request to add a major: concentration in Chinese Language Literature and Culture (25) (attachment)
III. Other:
IV. Adjournment: