University Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education


Friday, November 20, 2009  


104 Elliott Hall – 12:15-1:15 p.m.





I.                   Old Business:  None


II.                New Business:


Undergraduate Studies – Beth Morling, Chair


a.       Proposal by Senator John Morgan concerning minimum requirement of C-         (attachment)

b.      Request for a change of the Sport Management Major from Health and Exercise Sciences in the College of Health Sciences to Business Administration in the College of Business and Economics and to Revise the Major - BS Sport Management (attachment) (attachment)  (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)

c.       Request for course changes required for major – BS HRIM (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)

d.      Request for a 4+1 program in Civil and Environmental Engineering (attachment)


Graduate Studies – Robert Opila, Chair


a.       Request to create a new MS degree program in Software Engineering (attachment)  (attachment)  (attachment)  (attachment)

b.      Request to add a Non Thesis option to the MS in Bioresources Engineering (attachment)