University Senate Coordinating Committee on Education


Monday, December 17, 2007


3:00 – 5:00 p.m.180 S. College Avenue

(Senate conference room)






I.                   Old Business: None


II.                New Business:


a.      Request to add an honors degree option for Dean’s Scholar students (attachment)


b.      Revision of breadth requirement text for clarification (attachment)


c.       Revision to the Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering degree program (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)


d.      Request to add a new minor in Bioelectrical Engineering (attachment)


e.      Revision to the Major in Civil and Environmental Engineering (attachment)


f.        Revision to the Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (attachment) (attachment)


g.      Revision in degree requirement BS-Finance (attachment)



III.             Other:

a.      Mission Statement (attachment)


b.      Schedule future meeting