University Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Educaiton


Thursday, April 15, 2010


2:00 – 3:30 p.m. – Elliott Hall Conference Room




I.                   Old Business:

II.                New Business:


a.      Request to add a new concentration in the MBA Program: Healthcare Policy Concentration (attachment)  (attachment)  (attachment)

b.      Request to revise program requirements and policy statement: MA Economics (attachment)

c.       Request to revise program requirements and policy statement: PhD Economics (attachment)

d.      Request to revise and change the name: MS Economics to MS Economics and Applied Econometrics (attachment)

e.      Request for the move of Fashion and Apparel Studies from the College of Education and Public Policy to the College of Arts and Sciences (attachment) (resolution attachment) (additional whereas: UGS)

f.        Request for the move of Computer and Information Sciences from the College of Arts and Sciences to the College of Engineering (attachment) (resolution attachment)  (additional whereas: UGS)

g.      Request for the reorganization of the college of Education and Public Policy (attachment)

h.      Request to revise the minor in Art (attachment)


I.                   Other: