March 22, 2013

10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon – 011D Hullihen Hall




I.                    Old Business:


a.       GRD 0270- New MA in Speech-Language Pathology (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment resolution) (budget attachment) (budget attachment 2)


b.       On line Education draft proposal  (attachment 1 redline)  (attachment resolution)


c.       Resolutions and redline documents for Promotion and Tenure issues (attachment)


d.      Resolution concerning academic calendar and Coordinating Committee approval   (attachment)


II.            New Business:



a.       UGS 0188 – Revise concentration: BA Interpersonal Communication (attachment)


b.      UGS 0189 – Revise concentration: BA Mass Communication (attachment)


c.       UGS 0190 – Revise Major: BS Psychology (attachment)


d.      GRD 0281 – Add a Master of Arts of Social Studies in World History (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)  (resolution attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)  (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)


e.      GRD 0279 & GRD 0286- Revise graduate program in CIS – Phd MS   (revised attachment GRD0279)  (revised attachment 0286) (attachment)


f.        GRD 0288 – Request for approval of allowing transfer of graduate credits beyond nine credits in support of the MCHE Degree as detailed in the attached documentation (attachment) (attachment)


g.      GRD0289 – Request to add a new degree MEd in Teacher Leadership (attachment) (attachment) (resolution attachment) (budget attachment)


h.      GRD 0280 – Request to add a duel degree MS-HBM and MBA (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)


i.        UGS 0222 – Add a minor in Sustainable Infrastructure (attachment) (revised attachment)  (attachment)


j.        UGS 0291 – Request to revise minor in Bioelectrical Engineering (attachment)


k.       UGS 0292 – Request to revise Electrical Engineering Major – Add to list of foundation electives (attachment)


l.        UGS 0293 – Request to revise Computer Engineering Major – Add to list of foundation electives (attachment)


m.    UGS 0294-Request to add an Honors degree with distinction Energy and Environmental Policy (attachment)


n.      UGS 0250- Request for permanent approval of the BS in Linguistics and Cognitive Science (attachment) (review team attachment)


o.      UGS 0248 – Request for permanent status and revision to the major in Black American Studies ( attachment)  (review team report)  (resolution)


p.      Student Life Res Life Plan (attachment) (attachment) (resolution attachment)


q.      Student Life Student Code of Conduct Revision (attachment)





III.           Other:


a.       Announcements – Reapportionment to determine the amount of senators each college is allocated has been completed and the results are as follows:

Agriculture and Natural Resources = 4                   
Arts and Sciences  = 24                
Business and Economics = 5                 
Earth Ocean Environment = 3                
Education and Human Development = 4               
Engineering = 6              
Health Sciences = 4                 

b.      White board shields for teachers invented by former UD Student – Student wants to present his idea to the Faculty Senate at some point

c.       Cindy Campanelli on Alumni Week-end- Perhaps Sheldon can make an announcement about Alumni Week-end