University Faculty Senate Executive Committee


Friday, March 26, 2010


Raub Hall Conference Room  3:30 – 4:30 p.m.





I.                   Old Business:  None


II.                New Business:


a.       Request to revise BA Concentrations Three Languages (22)  (attachment)

b.      Request to revise Medical Scholars Program (attachment)

c.       (revised attachment) (revised attachment)

d.      Spanish Studies Major revisions: Request to add options to the Spanish Studies Concentration (attachment 3-16-10)

e.       Request to revise Spanish Studies Minor  (attachment 3-8-10)

f.        Request to revise concentration in Administration and Family Policy in the Human Services Major (attachment) (revised attachment 3-23-10) (email attachment)

g.       Request to add a concentration in Community Education in the Human Services Major (attachment) (attachment 3-23-10)

h.       Revise Major and add Concentration in Engineering Technology (attachment) (revised attachment 3-17-10) (revised attachment 3-23-10)

i.         Request to revise concentration in Clinical Services in the Human Services Major (attachment)  (revised attachment 3-23-10)

j.        Request to revise Early Childhood Education Major (BS) (attachment) (revised attachment 3-23-10) (revised attachment 3-25-10)

k.      Request for a new 4+1 Accelerated Program BS & MS in Human Development & Family Studies (attachment) (attachment) (attachment 3-23-10)  (attachment 3-23-10)  (resolution attachment 3-23-10)

l.         Request for a new 4+1 Accelerated Program 4+1 BS or BE/MMSE degree in Materials Science and Engineering (attachment) (attachment resolution) Note: Karren asked Bob and cc’d author for support docs to be sent

m.     Request to add a course to the options in the Special Education concentration within the Southern Delaware Elementary Teacher Education major. (attachment 3-5-10) (attachment3-5-10) (attachment 3-5-10) (email attachment 3-22-10)

n.       Request to add concentration in Family and Consumer Sciences in the Human Services Major  (revised attachment 3-11-10)(attachment 3-11-10) (attachment 3-23-10) (attachment email 3-23-10) (attachment 3-25-10)

a.       Request for a name change: Linguistics and Cognitive Science (attachment )  (attachment)  (attachment)

b.      Request to revise the Major/Minor to include a 4+1 Option: Fashion Merchandising and Fashion Studies (attachment) (revised attachment 3-11-10)  (revised attachment 3-11-10)  (revised attachment 3-11-10)  (revised attachment 3-11-10)


III.             Other:


IV.              Adjournment: