Monday, April 21, 20082:45 p.m.





I.                    Old Business:


a.       Recommendation from the Senate Committee on Rules concerning Administrators on the Executive Committee of the University Senate (attachment)


II.                 New Business:

a.       Name Change for the Department of IFST (attachment)


b.      Recommendation from the Senate Committee on Rules to revise the Faculty Handbook Section 3: Conduct of Academic Programs – Research Program Policy (attachment)


c.       Ad Hoc Membership:  Avron Abraham, Chair, Gen. Ed. Cte.  Anthony Serapin, Chair, Ed. Affairs Cte., Arts & Sciences, Pammela Cummings, CHEP representative, Douglas Buttrey, Former UGS Chair and ENG rep., Steve Hastings, AG representative, Carolyn Manning, HS representative, Jennifer Gregan-Paxton, B&E representative,  


d.      Breadth Requirement update – Amy Johnson


e.       Motion on Senate floor concerning voting faculty and hiring – Discussion on debating it on the senate floor.


a.       Confirmation of Appointments – (attachment)  


III.               Other:


IV.              Adjournment: