University Faculty Senate Executive Committee


Monday, November 23, 2009 


Raub Hall Conference Room –3:30 p.m.





I.                   Old Business:  None


II.                New Business:


Undergraduate Studies – Beth Morling, Chair


a.       Proposal by Senator John Morgan concerning minimum requirement of C-         (attachment)  This was rejected at the UGS level


b.      Request for a 4+1 program in Civil and Environmental Engineering (attachment) Approved at UGS, Graduate Studies and Coordinating Committee


Graduate Studies – Robert Opila, Chair


a.       Request to create a new MS degree program in Software Engineering (attachment)  (attachment)  (attachment)  (attachment) Approved at the Graduate and Coordinating Committee

b.      Request to add a Non Thesis option to the MS in Bioresources Engineering (attachment) Approved at the Graduate and Coordinating Committee

c.       DLE Maintenance – For Information

d.      Printed Copy of the Catalog for Advising Purposes – For Discussion


III.             Other:

IV.              Adjournment: