MAY 6, 2013 – 104 GORE HALL





April 26, 2013



TO:                  Senators and Executives


FROM:            Katherin Rogers, Vice President  

                        University Faculty Senate


SUBJECT:      Regular Faculty Senate Meeting May 6, 2013


            In accordance with Section IV, paragraph 6 of the Constitution, the regular meeting of the University Faculty Senate will be held on Monday, May 6, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. in room 104 Gore Hall. 


I certify that hard copies of the approval page for each undergraduate and graduate studies academic item on the agenda are filed in the Faculty Senate Office with the appropriate signatures of approval up through the Chair of the Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education.  The Agenda will be as follows:





I.                   Adoption of the Agenda


II.                Approval of the Minutes: April 2013

 April 29 (Special Meeting)


III.             Election of Senate Officers and Selected Committee Members – A slate of nominations prepared by the Committee on Committees and Nominations (Joerg Busch, Chairperson) is presented in Attachment 1.  Biographies of the nominees are presented in Attachment 2.  Senators are reminded that additional nominations may be made from the floor, and that senators making such nominations are responsible for determining that a nominee would serve if elected.


A.    President Elect – Fred Hofstetter  (Statement)

B.     Vice President – Martha Buell

C.     Secretary – Karen Stein and Prasad Dhurjati

D.    Committee on Committees Member At Large – Evelyn Hayes, Deena Burke and John Morgan

E.     Committee on Committees Chairperson – Evelyn Hayes, John Morgan, Brian Hanson


IV.             Presentation of the 2012 Faculty Senate Excellence Awards:  Senate President Sheldon Pollack


V.                Remarks: Provost Nancy Brickhouse


VI.             Announcements: Senate President Sheldon Pollack


VII.          Item for Information: Course Challenge Period Extended– The Course Challenge period will now be opened during the last week of Winter Session and remain opened through the end of free drop/add in the Spring Semester.


VIII.       Consent Agenda


1.      Announcements for Challenge:



a.      Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter, Chair) and Graduate Studies (Andrew Teplyakov, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Deni Galileo, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Sheldon Pollack, Chair) for the request for the revision of the  4 + 1  BS in Fashion Merchandising MS Fashion and Apparel Studies (UGSGRD 0296)(attachment) 


b.      Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Deni Galileo, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Sheldon Pollack, Chair) for the request to add  a minor in Jewish Studies with Language (UGS0234) (revised attachment 4-19)


c.       Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Deni Galileo, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Sheldon Pollack, Chair) for the request to revise the concentration Family and Consumer Sciences Education of the Human Services Major (UGS0268) (attachment)  (attachment revised 3-5-13)


d.      Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Deni Galileo, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Sheldon Pollack, Chair) for the request to add a concentration to Family and Consumer Sciences Education of the Human Services Major: Apparel Studies Concentration (UGS0268a) (attachment) (attachment revised 3-5-13)  (revised attachment 3-18-13)


e.       Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Deni Galileo, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Sheldon Pollack, Chair) for the request to revise the History Classics: French, German, Russian, Spanish (UGS0233) (attachment)


f.       Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Deni Galileo, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Sheldon Pollack, Chair) for the request to revise the Honors History Classics: French, German, Russian, Spanish  (UGS0233a)  (attachment)


g.      Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies (Andrew Teplyakov, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Deni Galileo, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Sheldon Pollack, Chair) for the request to revise the master of science in Nursing (GRD0299)(attachment)


h.      Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies (Andrew Teplyakov, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Deni Galileo, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Sheldon Pollack, Chair) for the request to revise the MS in Fashion and Apparel Studies (GRD0297) (attachment)


i.        Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies (Andrew Teplyakov, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Deni Galileo, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Sheldon Pollack, Chair) for the request to revise the MS in Fashion and Apparel Studies to add a non-thesis option (GRD0298) (attachment)




IX.             Regular Agenda


A.                Unfinished Business: 


1.      Recommendation from the Executive Committee (Sheldon Pollack, Chair) with the concurrence of the Promotion and Tenure Committee (Tom Kaminski, Chair) for the revision to the Faculty Handbook section 4.4.4 regarding Promotion and Tenure “Departmental Responsibilities”  (attachment 1)  (attachment 2)


WHEREAS,   Section 4.4.4 (“Departmental Responsibilities”) of the Faculty Handbook of the University of Delaware provides that departments may elect to allow untenured faculty to serve voluntarily on department promotion and tenure committees; and


WHEREAS,   the same provision provides that a majority of the faculty serving on a department promotion and tenure committee should be “at or above the rank” to which the candidate seeks promotion; and


WHEREAS,   in decisions involving the granting of tenure only tenured faculty should vote on department promotion and tenure committees and in promotion decisions only members of such committees who are “at or above the rank” to which the candidate is seeking promotion should vote; be it therefore


RESOLVED,  that Section 4.4.4 of the Handbook shall be amended to provide that in departments that allow untenured faculty to serve on the department promotion and tenure committee, voting on tenure decisions shall be restricted to those faculty who hold tenure; and be it further


RESOLVED,  that Section 4.4.4 of the Handbook shall be amended to provide that in departments that allow faculty below the rank to which a candidate is seeking a promotion to serve on such committee, voting shall be restricted to those faculty who are “at or above the rank” to which the candidate is seeking promotion.


B.                 New Business:


1.      Confirmation of Appointments:  Attachment 3


2.      Standing Committee Annual Reports: Attachment


3.      Resolutions:


a.      Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter, Chair) and Graduate Studies (Andrew Teplyakov, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Deni Galileo, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Sheldon Pollack, Chair) for the request to add a 4 + 1 program to the MS - Statistics UGSGRD0271 (revised attachment 3-18-13) (attachment resolution 3-18-13)


WHEREAS,   the proposed 4 + 1 Bachelor of Science /Master of Science in Statistics offers an expedient route for highly qualified students to obtain both a Bachelors of Science and a Master of Science, and


WHEREAS,   Statistics is a growing major at both the undergraduate and graduate levels nationally, and


WHEREAS,   the Department of Applied Economics and Statistics already provides all the courses and administrative framework for such a degree, and


WHEREAS,   the proposed program contributes to the University’s “Path to Prominence” to become a premier research and graduate university and to achieve excellence in professional education; be it therefore


RESOLVED,  that the Faculty Senate recommends approval of the establishment of a new 4+1 Bachelor of Science /Master of Science in Statistics in the Department of Applied Economics and Statistics.


b.      Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education (Deni Galileo, Chair) with the concurrence of the Graduate Studies Committee (Andrew Teplyakov, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Sheldon Pollack, Chair) for the request to approve the online education policy for the course catalog and the Professional and Continuing Studies (PCS) website (attachment)

WHEREAS,   the Senate Coordinating Committee on Education is charged with providing a large context for the examination and preparation of educational proposals and with helping to formulate and assess educational policies and practices; and

WHEREAS,   the Faculty Senate recently has passed a new Faculty Handbook policy on “Use of Innovative Technology and Online Course Formats,” in which use of such technology is determined by the faculty member and their academic unit (department or college curriculum committee); and

WHEREAS,   guidelines for student enrollment in online courses also are best determined by individual departments, programs, or majors; and

WHEREAS,   online courses require special considerations for the administration of proctored examinations, especially when given at a distance (e.g., in another state); be it therefore

RESOLVED,  that enrollment in undergraduate or graduate online course sections may be restricted by departments, programs, or majors as specified in their undergraduate or graduate program policy documents (e.g., a minimum GPA requirement, number of online courses, no online courses in a major, etc.). Proctored exams, if required, must be taken at a UD-approved testing site or through a UD-approved online authentication and proctoring service in cases where a student does not have reasonable access to an approved testing facility (e.g., in another state); and be it further

RESOLVED,  that this policy shall supersede any and all existing policies that restrict student enrollment in online course sections that are not specified in undergraduate or graduate program policy documents of a department, program, or major; and be it further

RESOLVED,  that this policy shall be stated in the UD Academic Catalog where appropriate, and on the websites of the Registrar and the Division of Professional and Continuing Studies wherever online course restrictions are noted.

c.       Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education (Deni Galileo, Chair) with the concurrence of the Executive Committee (Sheldon Pollack, Chair) for the request to approve a policy for review of certificate programs (attachment)

WHEREAS,   the Board of Trustees has assigned to the Faculty the responsibility of providing for the establishment of curricula and courses as well as for the establishment of a program of extra-curricular education; and

WHEREAS,   the Faculty have established their Senate to exercise all the powers vested in the Faculty by the Board of Trustees and to determine the duties that it will delegate to faculty committees; and

WHEREAS,   the Senate Coordinating Committee on Education is charged with providing a large context for the examination and preparation of educational proposals and with helping to formulate and assess educational policies and practices; and

WHEREAS,   the University offers several non-credit academic certificates, which entail courses, curricula, faculty, and graduation events; and

WHEREAS,   these certificate programs are not approved by the Faculty through their Senate as are all other degrees, certificates, and academic programs; be it therefore

RESOLVED,  that all non-credit certificate programs offered by the University of Delaware first must be approved by the Senate Coordinating Committee on Education. 

d.      Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Deni Galileo, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Sheldon Pollack, Chair) for the request for permanent approval of the BS major in Quantitative Biology (attachment)  (attachment Dean’s Letter)  (resolution) (attachment review team)

WHEREAS,     present and future research in life sciences will benefit from a multidisciplinary approach, including biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics, and

WHEREAS,     current undergraduate biology education does not adequately prepare students for a multidisciplinary research environment, specially in quantitative aspects of the discipline, and

WHEREAS,     the Department of Mathematical Sciences and the Department of Biological Sciences have collaborated enthusiastically in designing this program, and

WHEREAS,     the program is having significant impact in furthering knowledge in biological and life sciences, and

WHEREAS,     this program does not require major additional resources in order to run successfully, and

WHEREAS,     the Quantitative Biology program, in its first five provisional years, has graduated exceptional students that meet the original program objectives, and

WHEREAS,     the Quantitative Biology programs continues to attract top-notch students interested in becoming leaders in biomedical research, be it therefore

RESOLVED,    that the Faculty Senate recommends that the BS major in Quantitative Biology be granted permanent status in the College of Arts and Sciences.

e.       Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Deni Galileo, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Sheldon Pollack, Chair) for the request for permanent approval of the BS major in Psychology  (UGS 0212) (attachment) (original proposal attachment) (revised resolution 1-9-2013) (report review team)  (attachment) (attachment)

WHEREAS,   the BS major in Psychology attracts students who are particularly likely to choose careers in Psychology and helps increase their competitiveness for entrance into top level graduate programs, and

WHEREAS,   the BS major in Psychology meets the needs of students with strong science backgrounds and interests who choose Psychology or change majors to Psychology because of changing career aspirations, and

WHEREAS,   the BS major in Psychology offers dedicated students the opportunity to engage in depth in the rigorous scientific approach to Psychology advocated by the faculty, and to conduct independent research, and

WHEREAS,   the internal review of the BS major by the Department of Psychology has judged the major to be successful in meeting its goals, be it therefore

RESOLVED,  that the Faculty Senate recommends that the BS in Psychology be granted permanent status in the College of Arts and Sciences.


VII.                      Introduction of New Business:

Such items as may come before the Senate.  (No motion introduced under new business, except a motion to refer to committee, shall be acted upon until the next meeting of the Senate.)

