May 3, 2004 – 104 GORE HALL





April 23, 2004



TO:                  Senators and Executives


FROM:            Charles Mason, Vice President   Charles E. Mason

                        University Faculty Senate


SUBJECT:       Regular Faculty Senate Meeting May 3, 2004


            In accordance with Section IV, paragraph 6 of the Constitution, the regular meeting of the University Faculty Senate will be held on Monday, May 3, 2004 at 4:00 p.m. in room 104 Gore Hall. 


I certify that hard copies of the approval page for each undergraduate and graduate studies academic item on the agenda are filed in the Faculty Senate Office with the appropriate signatures of approval up through the Chair of the Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education.  The Agenda will be as follows:





I.                   Adoption of the Agenda


II.                Approval of the Minutes: April 12, 2004 


III.             Election of Senate Officers and Selected Committee Members – A slate of nominations prepared by the Committee on Committees and Nominations (Carmine Balascio, Chairperson) is presented in Attachment 1.  Biographies of the nominees are presented in Attachment 2.  Senators are reminded that additional nominations may be made from the floor and that senators making such nominations are responsible for determining that a nominee would serve if elected.


A.     President Elect – Avron Abraham (Statement)

B.     Vice President – Irene Davis and Joann Browning

C.     Committee on Committees Member At Large – Carmine Balascio

D.     Committee on Committees Member At Large – Connie Vickery

E.      Committee on Committees Chairperson – Carmine Balascio and Connie Vickery



IV.       Remarks: Provost Dan Rich


V.              Announcements: Senate President Karen Stein


Item for Information: 


A.  Electronic Privacy Policy Number 1-19 (Attachment)



VI.                 Consent Agenda


A.                 Announcements for Challenge:


1.      Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Tomas Leitch, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Charles Boncelet, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Karen Stein, Chair) for a revision to the CHEP major (Attachment)


2.      Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Tomas Leitch, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Charles Boncelet, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Karen Stein, Chair) revision of B.A. in Secondary Mathematical Education (Attachment ) (Attachment)


3.      Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Tom Leitch, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Charles Boncelet, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Karen Stein, Chair) for the establishment of an Interdisciplinary Minor in Interactive Media (Attachment)


B.                 Resolutions:


1.      Grade Inflation at the University of Delaware (Attachment)


Whereas           a review of data, in depth analysis, and summary findings by the Ad-Hoc Committee on Grade Inflation clearly show that there has been a steady upward shift of grades awarded to students during the period 1987 through 2002, and


Whereas           the increase in high grades appears to outstrip the improvements in the academic quality of students and the quality of instruction, and


Whereas           even if there were no grade inflation at the University of Delaware, data show that there would still be grade compression; even if the entire increase in grades reflected improved student performance, there would be a need to distinguish better among levels of that performance, and


Whereas           although the quality of students entering the University of Delaware is improving, faculty should be encouraged to challenge students more, thus maintaining the University’s reputation as an institution of high academic standards, and


Whereas           the Faculty Handbook presently does not state what each of the letter grades means, be it therefore


Resolved          that the Faculty Handbook be amended to state that a grade of A means an excellent or distinguished level of achievement; B, a good or above-average level of achievement; C, a satisfactory or average level of achievement; D, a poor or below-average level of achievement; and F, failure to fulfill minimum requirements.  Pluses and minuses indicate falling high or low within each category, be it further

Resolved          that a committee meet in 2004-2005 to consider additional means to address grade inflation. 

(Note: all red and red strike through(deletions) are friendly amendment changes to the resolution proposed and voted upon at the May 3rd 2004 Faculty Senate Meeting.)

   VII.     Regular Agenda


A.                 Old Business:   

1.      General Education Report - Undergraduate Studies (Tom Leitch, Chair) with the concurrence of the Executive Committee (Karen Stein, Chair)  (Resolution) (Attachment)


2.      Resolution Regarding Senate Endorsement of Electronic Privacy Policy Number 1-14 – Faculty Welfare and Privileges (John Kushman, Chair) with the concurrence of the Executive Committee (Karen Stein, Chair) (Attachment)


Whereas           issues pertaining to electronic communication have been evolving in our society in the past few years, and


Whereas           the impact of electronic communication policy on privacy and freedom of expression is a concern of the faculty, and


Whereas           the Electronic Communication Sub-Committee of the Faculty Welfare and Privileges Committee was charged last fall to review the current University policy on electronic communications privacy and make recommendations to the faculty, and


Whereas           revised statements for Policy Number 1-14 have been jointly developed and recommended by the Faculty Welfare and Privileges Committee and the Office of the Vice-President For Administration, be it therefore


      Resolved          that the Faculty Senate endorse Policy 1-14, Policy for Responsible Computing at the University of Delaware                                                                               

B.                 New Business:


1.   Confirmation of Appointments (Attachment) 


VIII.              Introduction of New Business

Such items as may come before the Senate.  (No motion introduced under new business, except a motion to refer to committee, shall be acted upon until the next meeting of the Senate.)



