University of Delaware

General Faculty Meeting

4 October 2004

Meeting Minutes

104 Gore Hall                                                                                                                3:30 PM


I.          President David Roselle convened the meeting at 3:33 PM.


II.         Professor Richard L. (Dick) Venezky was memorialized by Roberta Golinkoff..

Professor Venezky was a faculty member in the School of Education.  He died on June 11, 2004 of leukemia.


III.       Remarks - Dr. Roselle


A.  At the start of the school year, 144 students were housed beyond capacity; however, triple-residency of rooms has subsided as the year has progressed.

            B.  Endowed professorships at the University of Delaware has reached one-hundred as of

last month.  This has been a priority of the capital campaign since 1990.  The 100th named professorship has been sponsored by Kathleen and David Hollowell and will support a professor involved in secondary school mathematics education.  A recipient has not yet been designated.  The target has been to have one-quarter of all full professors as named professors.  With 360 full professors currently at UD, this goal has been reached.

            C.  The total for matched faculty gifts for the Center for the Arts has exceeded $4 million.

D.  Short video clips were shown featuring faculty that are now named professors.  These clips can be viewed on the UD website as “Windows on the Green”.  Featured faculty were Debra Morris, Jim Richards, Don Sparks and Leland Ware.

E.  Donations necessary to sponsor named professors start at $350,000, endowed chairs cost $1 million and a fully supported named professor is $3 million.


IV.       The meeting adjourned at 4:05 PM.





Dallas G. Hoover

Faculty Senate Secretary












University of Delaware

Faculty Senate Meeting

4 October 2004


4:00 PM                                                                                                                      104 Gore Hall



Members absent:       T. Deliberty, T. Hardie, K. Rogers, D. Seckel


Members excused:    J. Firestone, Carolyn Manning, Eric Rise, I. Vogel, L. Ware



I.          A.  The meeting was convened at 4:10 PM by Faculty Senate President Charles Boncelet.

He noted a change in the meeting agenda.  A presentation by Executive Vice President David Hollowell replaced the scheduled presentation by Provost Dan Rich.

B.  The amended agenda was approved unanimously.


II.         The meeting minutes of 13 September 2004 were approved unanimously.


III.       Remarks by David Hollowell on campus construction projects.


A.  Completed projects: Mechanical Hall (now a gallery), Early Learning Center, Otis Smith Laboratory in Lewes, Darden Bistro at Vita Nova, North Green (new pipes), South Green (paving), Morris Library (basement level) and the Pencader Complex (courts).

B.  Projects in progress: Pencader Residence Hall Complex, Center for the Arts (parking garage scheduled to open in December), Marriott Courtyard Hotel (scheduled to open November 8), Foreign Languages building, Mitchell Hall, and Webb farm (sheep barn).

C.  Projects in planning: Brown Laboratory, Carvel Center in Georgetown, and 200 Academy Street (the Maintenance Center).


IV.       Announcements by Charles Boncelet.


A.  Grade inflation: An ad hoc Committee on Grade Inflation will be reconvening in several weeks to examine what the next step should be with regard to grade inflation at UD.  Consideration will be given to those interesting in joining the committee.

B.  Undergraduate Studies Committee: The busiest committee in the Faculty Senate is still seeking a chair.

C.  Multicultural requirement: The Undergraduate Studies Committee (USC) has been charged to review the multicultural requirement.  Due to lack of a USC chair, no actions have been taken in review of this program and its courses.  There is a deadline of 15 November for submission of documentation for all courses that wish to be considered as a multicultural requirement.  This deadline will stand; if an instructor cannot make this deadline, the documentation can be submitted after November 15 for probable consideration.

D.  President Boncelet requested a change Faculty Senate procedures regarding a call to question during a debate.  Although not allowed by Roberts’ Rules, an additional brief time period is requested prior to closing debate to allow all parties brief discussion.  This added flexibility is desired to allow proper discussion of debatable issues.


V.        Consent Agenda.


            A.  Announcements for challenge - none.

            B.  Resolutions - none.


VI.       Regular Agenda.


            A.  Old business - none.

.           B.  New business - none.


VII.      Introduction of New Business - none.



The meeting adjourned at 4:40 PM.






Dallas G. Hoover

Faculty Senate Secretary