University Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies Meeting


Mar. 14, 2007

8:00 A.M. until 9:30 A.M.  – Faculty Senate Conference Room, 180 S. College Ave.


Agenda (updated Mar. 12, 2007)


I.                   Approval of the Agenda:


II.                Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting: Feb 28


III.             Old Business:

    1. Revisit the Master of Fine Arts degree requirements and associated courses (attachment 1, revised approval form) (attachment 2, revised policy) (attachment 3, addenda to challenge list)
    2. Report on changes to New MS in Bioresources Engineering (attachment 1, revised approval form) (attachment 2, revised policy)


IV.             New Business:


    1. Review of Grad Courses on Course Challenge List
    2. Challenge to MATH 589
    3. Challenge to CIEG 684
    4. Problem with MATH 514 – Recommend change to 400 level course
    5. Request for Permanent Status for MS in Ocean Engineering


V.             Deferred Items on Hold from Previous Meetings and Items Held in Reserve for Future Discussion:


    1. Statistics for Graduate Programs
    2. Committee’s recommendation for programs with no admitted students for several years


VI.             Future Meeting Dates and Times


                  Next meeting: Mar 14, 2007 


                  Time:  8:00 – 9:30 a.m.


                  Location: Faculty Senate Conference Room, 180 S. College Ave.


                  Planned Meetings:


                  March 21, April 11, April 25


 VI.             Projected Program Items


                  Request for Permanent Status for MS in Information Systems and Technology Management

Dual Degree for MS in Engineering and MBA

                  Revision of Biology program and policy

                  New MA in Finance