University Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies Meeting


Apr. 23, 2008

1:30 P.M. until 3:00 P.M.


 Room 105, Hullihen Hall

Agenda (Updated April 21, 2008)


I.                 Approval of the Agenda:


II.               Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting: Apr. 9.


III.              Old Business:



    1. Recommendations for improving the graduate catalog.  Associate Provost Havidan Rodriguez will meet with us at 1:30.


IV.             New Business:


    1. Review of PSPR Self-Study Outline for recommendations for revision.  Also comments from Associate Provost Rodriguez.  (See Senate Instructions on Permanent Approval)
    2. Online publication of University of Delaware theses and dissertations through ProQuest (Matt Kinservik)
    3. Announcements


V.                Previous Items Placed on Hold and Items Held in Reserve for Future Discussion:


    1. Trends in Foreign Applications and Challenges for Foreign Graduate Students


VI.             Future Meeting Dates and Times


                  Next Meeting:  May 7, 2008 

                  Time:  1:30 P.M. – 3:00 P.M.

                  Location:  Room 105 Hullihen Hall