University Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies Meeting


Mar. 26, 2008

1:30 P.M. until 3:00 P.M.


 Room 105, Hullihen Hall

Agenda (Updated Mar. 20, 2008)


I.                 Approval of the Agenda:


II.               Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting: Feb. 27, Mar. 5, and Mar. 12


III.              Old Business:


                        Items for the Senate

    1. None


Items Needing Committee Approval Only

    1. Review of Information Systems and Technology Management Graduate Policy Document (Policy)
    2. Revision of Marine and Earth Sciences College Graduate Policy Document (Checklist) (Policy)
    3. Revision of Geological Sciences Graduate Policy Document (Checklist) (Policy)
    4. Recommendation for including graduate program policy statements in a graduate catalog (Draft statement)


IV.             New Business:


    1. Review of PSPR Self-Study Outline for recommendations for revision (Senate Instructions)
    2. Status of Review of New Courses on Course Challenge List (Course List)
    3. Announcements


V.                Previous Items Placed on Hold and Items Held in Reserve for Future Discussion:


    1. Revision of Ph.D. Program in IFST
    2. Trends in Foreign Applications and Challenges for Foreign Graduate Students


VI.             Future Meeting Dates and Times


                  Next Meeting:  Apr. 9, 2008 

                  Time:  1:30 P.M. – 3:00 P.M.

                  Location:  Room 105 Hullihen Hall


                  Planned Meetings:  Apr. 23, and May 7. (Room 105 Hullihen Hall for all)