University Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies Meeting


May 7, 2008

1:30 P.M. until 3:00 P.M.


 Room 105, Hullihen Hall

Agenda (Updated May 5, 2008)


I.                 Approval of the Agenda:


II.               Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting: Apr. 23.


III.              Old Business:


    1. Recommended permanent status program review (PSPR) items to be submitted for review and a proposed outline for the unit’s PSPR Self-Study (attachment).


IV.             New Business:


    1. Proposed change to individuals authorized to sign a graduate thesis or dissertation as the professor in charge of the thesis or dissertation on behalf of the advisory committee (attachment. 
    2. Announcements


V.                Previous Items Placed on Hold and Items Held in Reserve for Future Discussion:


    1. Trends in Foreign Applications and Challenges for Foreign Graduate Students


VI.             Future Meeting Dates and Times


                  Next Meeting:  May 21, 2008  (Is one needed)??

                  Time:  1:30 P.M. – 3:00 P.M.

                  Location:  TBD