University Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies Meeting


Nov 8, 2006

8:45 A.M. until 10:30 A.M.  Faculty Senate Conference Room, 180 S. College Ave


Agenda (updated Nov 1, 2006)


I.                   Approval of the Agenda:


II.                Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting:


III.             Old Business:


    1. MS in Health Promotion- Update from Sub-Committees and status of Committee report


IV.             New Business:


    1. Request for Permanent Approval of Hospitality Information Management (APA Form, attachment -1) (Self Study, attachment -2) (PSPR with comments, attachment -3)
    2. Revision of MS in Wildlife Ecology (attachment -1)
    3. Revision of MS in Entomology and Applied Ecology and Proposed Name Change (attachment -1)
    4. Proposed Name Change of the PhD in “Entomology and Applied Ecology” to PhD in “Entomology and Wildlife Ecology” (attachment -1)
    5. Revision of PhD in Entomology and Wildlife Ecology (attachment -1)
    6. Revision of Graduate Policy in Entomology and Wildlife Ecology (attachment -1) (clean copy, attachment -2) (edited old copy, attachment -3)
    7. Request for Permanent Approval of Health Services Administration (Self Study with comments, attachment -1) (PSPR with comments, attachment -2) (Proposal from 2001, attachment -3)
    8. New MS in Bioresources Engineering (attachment -1) (full proposal, attachment -2)


V.             Deferred Items on Hold from Last Year and Items Held in Reserve for Future Discussion:


    1. Statistics for Graduate Programs


VI.             Future Meeting Dates and Times

                  Nov 15, Nov 22, and Dec 6 at 8:45 – 10:30 a.m.

                  Senate Conference Room (180 S. College Ave)


                  Next meeting is planned for the Nov 15, 2006           


                  Time: 8:45 – 10:30


                  Location: Senate Conference Room (180 S. College Ave)


 VI.             Projected Program Items

                  New Certificate program in Fashion and Apparel Design

                  Combined BS-MS in Exercise Sciences

                  New interdisciplinary program in Engineering

                  Winterthur Museum MA in Early American Studies

                  Dual Degree for MS in Engineering and MBA