University Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies Meeting


February 14, 2006

10:00 A.M. – 105 Hullihen Hall


Agenda (updated Feb 13, 2006)


I.                   Approval of the Agenda


II.                Approval of past Minutes Jan 10 and Feb 1


III.             Deferred Items on Hold from Last Year:


    1. Request for Permanent Approval M.S. in Mechanical Engineering (PSPR in progress)
    2. Request for Permanent Approval for Master of Mechanical Engineering (PSPR in progress)
    3. Statistics Offerings for Graduate Programs


IV.             Old Business:  The two items will not be covered until the Feb 16 meeting.


    1. Name change for MA in Linguistics to MA in Linguistics and Cognitive Science (attachment-1)
    2. Revision to MA in Linguistics and Cognitive Science (attachment -1)


V.             New Business:  These items will be covered at the Feb 14 meeting.


    1. Request for Permanent Status of the M.S. in Health Promotion (Permanent Status Program Review completed)
    2. Resolution to Establish a New Combined BS-MS Option in Exercise Science (attachment –1)
    3. Combined BS-MS Option in Exercise Science with Concentration in Exercise Physiology (attachment –1) (policy, attachment –2)
    4. Combined BS-MS Option in Exercise Science with Concentration in Biomechanics (attachment –1)
    5. Combined BS-MS Option in Exercise Science with Concentration in Motor Control (attachment –1)
    6. Revise Concentration in Motor Control within MS in Exercise Science (attachment –1)
    7. Resolution to Establish a combined program for the M.S. in Human Nutrition and Dietetic Internship (attachment –1)
    8. Revision of MS in Human Nutrition to add Dietetic Internship Certification option (attachment –1)
    9. Change of GRE Requirement for MS in Human Nutrition (attachment –1)


VI.             Future Meeting Dates and Times


                  Next meeting is planned for Thursday February 16, 2006.                    


                  Time:  8:30 a.m.


                  Location: 164 S. College Avenue (A&S Conference Room)


                  Other spring semester meetings are planned for Friday mornings 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. Feb 24, Mar 3, Mar 10, Mar 17, Apr 7, and Apr 21.