University Faculty Senate Committee on Graduate Studies


March 15, 2005 


AGENDA Updated Mar 14, 2005


I.                   Approval of the Agenda


II.                Approval of the Minutes: (March 11, 2005, to be distributed later)


III.             Deferred Items on Hold:


a.       Request for Permanent Status of the M.S. in Health Promotion (attachment) (attachment

b.      Request for Permanent Approval M.S. in Mechanical Engineering (attachment) (attachment)

c.       Request for Permanent Approval for Master of Mechanical Engineering  (attachment)


IV.             Old Business:


d.      Resolutions Pertaining to Review of Provisional Status (attachment 3-14-05)

e.       Review and Discussion of Courses of Concern on the Challenge List AETD 625, CHEG 604, EDUC 619, 862, 874, ENWC 814, HESC 609, LING 801, ORES 801, PLSC 629, POSC 850, SOCI 837, UAPP 616, 642, 650, 675, 862, & 863.

f.        Course Challenge for BISC 638 (attachment) 


V.             New Business:


a.       None


VI.             Future Meeting Dates and Times


                  April 8 and May 6


                  Time:  8:30 – 10:30


Location: Faculty Senate Conference Room, Corner of Kent Way and College