Meeting of the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Faculty Senate

Thursday, April 18, 2002, at 10:00-12:00 in 105 Hullihen Hall



General Education.I have asked Avron Abraham, Chair of the General Education committee, to join us at 10:05, to discuss the progress and future expected results from the committee, regarding Capstone, Life, Pathways and Discovery Learning.

Also, Teaching certificate in higher education (coming up).

Old Business:

1. At its meeting on April 8, the Faculty Senate considered the Examination and Test Conflicts policy.The discussion centered around paragraph 3 of the policy:  (Attachment)

“Departments will refrain from scheduling single section undergraduate courses during the time period set aside for common examinations.Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Registrar.

Joe DiMartile will present some ideas on how important it is to maintain this part of the policy.

New Business

1. Request for Extension of Provisional Status, Plant Biology and Landscape Horticulture majors, Dept. Of Plant and Soil Sciences. 

2. Merits and problems of new Honors majors.At our previous meeting, we agreed that it would be valuable to have a discussion of the reason for the large number of new Honors majors.Can they obtain sufficient students to be viable?Will they have serious capstone courses?I have invited Ann Ardis, Director of the Honors Program and Anna Ciulla, Chairperson of Medical Technology, to visit at 10:15.

3. Approval of Major in Latin American Studies for Permanent Status.Karren Helsel-Spry has sent you material reviewing this major.I have asked Peter Rees, Program Director, for more information, and in particular for more up-to-date information..  (Attachment)

4. Two minors: Computational Biology, in the Department of Biology; Bioinformatics, in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences.  (Attachment1)   (Attachment2

5.Honors B.S. in Mathematics and Economics.  (Attachment)

    6.    New concentration "Women in Global Perspective" within the major program in Women's Studies leading to the B.A.
