University Faculty Senate Committee
on Undergraduate Studies
March 11, 2013
10:00 a.m. 12:00 noon 011D Hullihen Hall
I. Old Business:
a. UGS
0187- Personal Finance for Purposes of Admission Guest Jim ONeill will attend
the meeting at 11:30 a.m.
b. UGS0234
Add minor in Jewish Studies with Language (attachment)
attachment) (revised
attachment) Guest Jay Halio and Eynat Gutnam will attend the
meeting at 10:00 a.m.
c. UGS0268
Request to revise the concentration Family and Consumer Sciences Education of
the Human Services Major (attachment) (attachment
revised 3-5-13)
d. UGS0268a- Request to add a concentration to Family and
Consumer Sciences Education of the Human Services Major: Apparel StudiesConcentration
revised 3-5-13)
e. UGSGRD0271
Request to add a 4 + 1 program to the MS Statistics (attachment)
f. UGS0248
Request for permanent status of Black American Studies (resolution)
g. UGS0222
Add a minor in Sustainable Infrastructure (attachment)
attachment) (attachment)
h. UGS0251
Request to add a BS major in Actuarial Sciences (revised
l. UGS0232
- Add a minor in European Studies (attachment)
attachment 2-17-13)
j. UGS
0233 Revision of History Classics: French, German, Russian, Spanish (attachment)
Sent back from CCE. 2 new majors ? Fred is waiting to
hear back from Jesus.
k. Grade
Forgiveness Discussion for Open Hearing (attachment) (attachment
2012 resolution) (attachment
II. New Business:
a. UGS0291
Request to revise minor in Bioelectrical Engineering (attachment)
b. UGS0292
Request to revise Electrical Engineering Major Add to list of foundation
electives (attachment)
c. UGS0293
Request to revise Computer Engineering Major Add to list of foundation
electives (attachment)
d. UGS0294-Request
to add an Honors degree with distinction Energy and Environmental Policy (attachment)
e. Annual
Review of MC/FYE/DLE Proposals
f. Out of
Class Exam Policy
g. Second Degree
h. 0250- Request
for permanent approval of the BS in Linguistics and Cognitive Science (attachment)
team attachment)