University Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies


Tuesday, February 24, 2009 – 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.


180 S. College Avenue

(Senate Conference Room)




I.                   Old Business:  Breadth Requirements for A & S – John I have this approved, but it never made it to CCE.  Is it ready to go? (attachment)


a.       Request to add a new Minor: Dance  (attachment) – Academic Home?


b.      Request to add a new Concentration within the Exercise Science major: Medical Scholar (attachment) (attachment) - Hold – John didn’t get to review the revisions prior to 1/22/09 meeting.


c.       Request to revise major in Health Behavior Science (attachment) Hold - Support letters are needed from Nutrition, Psychology, Business Administration, Enterpreneurial Studies, Disability Studies.  Not in files.


d.      Request to revise a major in Athletic Training (attachment) Approved provided they provide a justification on an updated form. 1/22/09 still waiting on justification.


e.       Health Studies revision (attachment) (attachment) Hold – What’s being deleted?  Send proposed revisions. Seeking additional information 1/22/09.


f.        Request to add a new BA Major in Public Policy (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) – Invite guests to next meeting.


g.       Request for a name change for Leadership Major and Minor (attachment) John will contact Karen Stein and get the letters. None in file.


h.       Request to revise the Major in Leadership (attachment) Rational for dropping courses IT management. Karren will check for support letters – Yes, letters are in file. 1/22/09 – John will contact Karen Stein on this one too.


i.         Request to add a new Math Certificate in Computational Science and Engineering (attachment) Graduate Studies Cte. also approved this.  1/22/09 Hold for certificate criteria.


j.        Request to add a new ANTH Certificate in Global Culture (attachment) 1/22/09 Hold for certificate criteria.


k.      Request to add a new ANTH Certificate in Global Sustainability 1/22/09 Hold for certificate criteria. (attachment)


l.         Request to revise Music Major (attachment) 1/22/09 Hold


m.     Request to rename and revise the requirements for Food and Agribusiness Management Minor (attachment) (attachment) 1/29/09 Hold


n.       Request to rename and revise the requirements of the Food and Agribusiness Management Majors (attachment) (attachment) 1/29/09 Hold


o.      Request to add a new Concentration Environmental Engineering Technology (attachment) 1/29/09 Hold


p.      Request to add a Minor: Advertising Minor (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)  I found this one on an old agenda.  Do you know the status?


q.      Request to revise WOMS Major (attachment) Sent back from Executive Committee and CCE because there is only one 400 level course.


I.                   New Business:


a.       Request to revise the Early Childhood Education Major (attachment)


b.      Request to add a major in Energy and Environmental Policy (attachment) (attachment)


II.                Other:


III.             Adjournment: