130Hullihen Hall (President’s Board Room)
I. Approval of the Minutes of January 22, 2004
II. Old Business:
A. Request
for permanent certification of the Milford ETE program. Professors Nancy Brickhouse and Laurie Palmer, of the
B. Request
to convert all HESC/NTDT independent studies to Pass/Fail status. Professor
Susan Hall, of the Department of Health and Exercise Science, will join the
committee at
III. New Business:
1. Change Name from Center for American Material Culture Studies to Center for Material Culture Studies ( Attachment)
2. Honors Major in Information Systems (Attachment)
3. Changes to B.S. in Computer Science (Attachment) (Attachment)
4. Changes to B.A. in Criminal Justice (Attachment)
5. Establish a new Concentration in Law and Society for Criminal Justice majors. (Attachment)
6. Establish
residency requirement for BA in Criminal Justice (15 credits to be taken at
UD). Professor Joel Best, of Sociology and Criminal Justice, will join the
committee at
B. Multicultural –
1. Approve 30 new and revised courses for multicultural credit (Attachment)