January 31, 2006
(Faculty Senate Conference Room)
I. Old Business:
College of Arts and Sciences
a. Revision to the BA degree, FLL major, concentration in Spanish Studies (attachment)
b. Revision to the undergraduate minor in Legal Studies (attachment)
c. Revision to the BA degree in History and BA degree in History Education, including all concentrations (attachment)
d. Revision of the BA degree, Psychology major (attachment) (12)
e. Revision of the BA degree, Psychology Education major (attachment) (13)
f. Request for a new undergraduate degree: BS in Psychology (attachment) (14)
g. Revision to all BA secondary Ed. programs in Arts and Sciences (attachment) (15)
h. Revision to the undergraduate major and minor in Geography (attachment) (16,17,18)
i. Revision to the BA degree in Geography Education
j. Revision to the BA Honors degrees in Geography and Geography Education
k. Revision to the BS degree , Physics major, concentration in Astronomy/Astrophysics (attachment) (19)
l. Revision to the undergraduate minor in Linguistics Cognitive Science (attachment) (20)
m. Revision to the Linguistics and Cognitive Science undergraduate program description (attachment) (21)
n. Revision to the Linguistics and Cognitive Science undergraduate program description (pre-professional speech pathology and cognitive and linguistic science (attachment) (22)
o. Revision to the Linguistics and Cognitive Science undergraduate program description (to delete information relating to defunct “conference interpretation” program) (attachment) (23)
p. Revision to the major in Early Childhood Development and Education (attachment) (attachment)
q. Add an Associates in Arts in Education degree option for the Southern Delaware Elementary Teacher Education Program (attachment)
r. Revision to the Educational Studies (EDS) minor (attachment)