University Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies


Friday, March 3, 2006


3:00 – 5:00 p.m.180 S College Avenue

 (Senate conference room)






I.          Old Business:    Michael Aronson will be attending the meeting to discuss revisions to the breadth requirements for BA degrees in the College of Arts and Sciences (item a)


a.                   Revision to the breadth requirements for BA degrees in the college of Arts and Sciences (attachment)

b.                  Resolution to Establish a New Combined BS-MS Option in Exercise Science (attachment –1)

c.                   Combined BS-MS Option in Exercise Science with Concentration in Exercise Physiology (attachment –1) (policy, attachment –2)

d.                  Combined BS-MS Option in Exercise Science with Concentration in Biomechanics (attachment –1)

e.                   Combined BS-MS Option in Exercise Science with Concentration in Motor Control (attachment –1

a.                   Change requirements for BS degree in Operations Management (attachment) (attachment)

b.                  Change requirements for BS degree in Management (attachment)

c.                   Change requirements for BS degree in Marketing (attachment)

II.                 New Business:  Course Challenge List – Discussion on the review of these

d.                  Request for permanent status BS in Mathematics and Economics (attachment)

e.                   Request for permanent status of the East Asian Studies Major (attachment)

f.                    Faculty Senate on-line academic approval checklist document for revision (attachment)

III.               Other:

IV.              Adjournment: