November 19, 2004  4:00 p.m.


130 Hullihen Hall (President’s Board Room)






I.                   Approval of the Minutes:  November 11, 2004


II.                Old Business: Multicultural

a.       Professor Leslie Goldstein

b.      Professor Jinfa Cai


III.             New Business:

a.       Assignment of review pairs

b.      Revision to the concentration in Engineering Technology – Applied Electronics and Controls concentration (attachment)

c.       Revision to the major in Engineering Technology (attachment)

d.      Revision to the concentration in Engineering Technology – Construction Technology Management (attachment)

e.       Revision to the major – Entomology (attachment)

f.        Revision to the major wildlife Conservation (attachment)

g.       Establish a new Honors Bachelors of Science: Resource Economics (attachment 1)  (attachment 2)

h.       Establish a new Honors Bachelors of Science: Food and Agribusiness Management (attachment 1)  (attachment 2)

i.         Establish a new minor: Nanomaterials Science and Engineering (attachment 1) (attachment 2) (attachment 3)

j.        Revision to the Elementary Teacher Education (ETE) major

1.                  Program Revision form (attachment)

2.                  Letters of Support (attachment)

3.                  Sample Schedules (attachment)

4.                  Draft of text for catalog (attachment)

5.                  Minor in Educational Studies (attachment)

IV.              Other:

V.                 Adjournment: