University Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies

Friday, January 11, 2008

11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. – 180 S. College Avenue



I.                      Old Business from 12/19/07 Meeting:

o.      Revise BS degree program with a concentration in Biotechnology (attachment)

u.      Revision to the BS in Environmental Science degree program requirements (attachment) (revised attachment)


II.                   Old Business from 01/04/07 Meeting:

f.        Request to add a Theatre Studies Minor (attachment)

l.        Revision to Legal Studies Minor (attachment)

m.  Revision to the curriculum in Animal and Food Sciences (attachment)

t.      Revision to the major in Landscape Horticulture and Design (attachment) (attachment)  (revisedattachment)


III.          New Business:

a.      Assignment of DLE Courses for Review