University Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies


Thursday, October 14, 2010


3:30p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – 105 Hullihen Hall






I.                   Old Business:       None


II.                New Business:    



a.      (0001)Request for a move of the School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy to the College of Arts and Sciences and Name Change (attachment) (attachment)  (revised attachment 10-14-10 addendum)  (revised resolution attachment 10-14-10)  (revised attachment 10-14-10 name change explanation)


b.      (0002)Revision to the Advertisement minor in Business Administration (attachment)


c.        (0003)Revision to the International Business Studies Major in Business Administration (attachment)


d.      (0004)Revision to the Operations Management Major in Business Administration (attachment)


e.      (0005)Revision to the Management Major in Business Administration (attachment)


f.        (0006)Revision to the Marketing Major in Business Administration (attachment)


g.      (0007)Request to add a Major in Marine Science with a Concentration in Marine Biology (attachment) (revised attachment 10-14-10) (attachment resolution)


III.             Other:


IV.              Adjournment: