Friday, January 8, 2010






I.                   Old Business:


a.      Delete BS major in Health and Physical Education (attachment) – Susan Hall will attend next meeting to discuss a and b of Old Business

b.      Revise major in Health and Physical Education (attachment)

c.       Revise Major in Athletic Training (attachment) – c through i were left over from previous agenda.  Didn’t have time to consider these

d.       Revise Minor in Strength and Conditioning (attachment)

e.       Revise Mechanical Engineering Degree- Concentration in Aerospace Engineering (attachment)

f.        Request to add a 4 + 1 BME/MEM graduate degree option in Mechanical Engineering (attachment)

g.       Revise Major and add Concentration in Engineering Technology (attachment)

h.      Revise Major requirements BCE Bachelor of Civil Engineering (attachment)

i.         Revise curriculum for the Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (attachment)


II.                New Business:


a.      Class attendance policy (attachment)

b.      Religious Holiday Proposal (attachment)

c.       Request to revise the major in Medical Technology (attachment) 

d.      Request to revise the major in Applied Nutrition  (attachment)

e.      Request to revise the major in Dietetics (attachment)

f.        Request to divide an existing academic department into two separate departments (attachment)

g.      Revise major in Applied Nutrition (attachment)

h.      Revise major in Dietetics (attachment) 

i.        Request to revise the College of Engineering Breadth Requirement Statement in UD Catalog (attachment)

j.        Request to revise requirements for Natural Resource Management Major (attachment)


III.             Other:


IV.              Adjournment: