Faculty Senate Undergraduate Studies Committee


March 12, 2010


2:00 – 4:00 p.m. – Elliott Hall





I.                   Old Business:


a.       Delete BS major in Health and Physical Education (attachment) (email attachment 1-21-10)

b.      Revise major in Health and Physical Education (attachment)

c.       Request to revise the Major/Minor to include a 4+1 Option: Fashion Merchandising and Fashion Studies (attachment) (revised attachment 3-11-10)  (revised attachment 3-11-10)  (revised attachment 3-11-10)  (revised attachment 3-11-10)

d.      Request to add a course to the options in the Special Education concentration within the Southern Delaware Elementary Teacher Education major. (attachment 3-5-10) (attachment3-5-10) (attachment 3-5-10)

e.       Request to revise the College of Engineering Breadth Requirement Statement in UD Catalog (attachment) (attachment) (revised attachment)

f.        Request to revise concentration – BA Communication (attachment) (attachment 3-3-10)

g.       Request for a change of Department and a Revision of the Major Sport Management   (attachment 3-5-10) (attachment 3-8-10) (attachment 3-8-10) (attachment for move 3-8-10) (attachment resolution doc3-8-10) (attachment 3-8-10)  (attachment 3-9-10Jeff)

h.       Request to add options to the Spanish Studies Concentration and revise Spanish Studies Minor  (attachment 3-8-10) 

i.         Spanish Studies Major revisions: Request to add options to the Spanish Studies Concentration (attachment 3-8-10) (attachment 3-8-10) (revised attachment 3-11-10)  (attachment 3-16-10)

j.        Request to add a course to the options in the Special Education concentration within the Southern Delaware Elementary Teacher Education major. (attachment)

k.      Request to allow NURSING 412, 413, 414 to meet curriculum requirements for NURS411 (attachment) (email attachment)

l.         Revision to the concentrations in Physics and Astronomy (attachment) link now working yet; waiting on revised proposal (typos in old one)

m.     Revise Major and add Concentration in Engineering Technology (attachment)



II.                New Business:


a.       Request to add concentration in Family and Consumer Sciences in the Human Services Major  (revised attachment 3-11-10)(attachment 3-11-10)

b.      Request to revise concentration in Administration and Family Policy in the Human Services Major (attachment) (attachment 3-16-10)

c.       Request to add a concentration in Community Education in the Human Services Major (attachment)

d.      Request to revise concentration in Clinical Services in the Human Services Major (attachment) (attachment 3-16-10)

e.       Request to revise Early Childhood Education Major (BS) (attachment)

f.        Request to deactivate BS: Human Services, Education and Public Policy (attachment)

g.       Request for a new 4+1 Accelerated Program BS & MS in Human Services Leadership (attachment) (attachment)

h.       Revision to the Animal and Food Science Major (attachment) (attachment 3-11-10

i.         Request for a new 4+1 Accelerated Program 4+1 BS or BE/MMSE degree in Materials Science and Engineering (attachment) (attachment resolution)



III.             Other:       DLE – Kate Rogers PHIL 465 (attachment)


IV.              Adjournment: