Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies


Wednesday, March 7, 2012


10:00a.m.12:00 noon – Elliott Hall Conference Room




I.                   Old Business:

a.      UGS 0113 – Revision to the Economics Minor (attachment)

b.      UGS 0120 Revision to the Islamic Studies Minor (attachment)    (attachment email)

c.       UGS 0147 Grade forgiveness resolution (attachment) (attachment 3-6-2012)

d.      UGS 0158   Revise major requirements for the Health Behavior Science degree    (attachment 3-2-12)

e.       UGS 1059 Request to add a new Minor: Health, Physical Activity and Disability Minor (attachment3-5-2012)

f.        UGS 0172 A+ Grade Recognition (attachment)

g.      UGS0115-Revision to the Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering (attachment)  (revised attachment 3-1-2012)

h.      Course Challenge (attachment)

i.        Discussion of DLE/MC/FYE


II.                New Business:



III.             Other:


IV.              Adjournment: