I. Old business
A. Progress report and discussion of Multicultural Studies Requirement
B. Report on minimum grade discrepancy between
math/language/multicultural requirements (D-) and composition requirement (C-)
II. New business
1. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering:
a. Revisions to Major in Civil Engineering (Attachment 1)
b. Revisions to Major in Environmental Engineering (Attachment 2)
c. Proposal for new Minor in Environmental Engineering (Attachment 3)
2. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering:
a. Revisions to Major in Computer Engineering (Attachment 4)
b. Revisions to Major in Electrical Engineering ( Attachment 5)
3. Department of Mechanical Engineering:
Revisions to Major in Mechanical Engineering (Attachment 6)
4. Department of Chemical Engineering
Revisions to Major in Chemical Engineering (Attachment 7)
1. Department of Animal and Food Sciences:
Revisions to Minor in Animal Science (Attachment 8)
C. October 2003 Report and Appendices A, B, C from Committee on General Education
(Attachments 7-10, available online at )