University Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies

Monday, February 10, 2003

130 Hullihen Hall – 1:00 – 3:00p.m.


I.Approval of the Minutes of January 24, 2003

II.Old Business: - A part of our business will be to continue with the material left over from the Jan 24th agenda.  I am sorry that the meeting went on so long, but I didn't know that Jim Magee was planning to come until the evening before.  Still Coming from that meeting is the Multicultural Changes, RN and BRN to MSN and Health Studies.

A.Multicultural Options

B.Political Minor – appeal

C.Chemistry minor – appeal - Attachment

D.Registered nurse major – BRN to MSN proposal - Substantial revisions  Attachment1

Attachment 2


E.Health Studies Major - Attachment1

III.New Business:
A.Revision to the major in Elementary Teacher Education – Attachment
B.Revision to the minor in Medical Humanities – Attachment
C.FLL change to the wording of the College Requirement for Foreign Language –Attachment

D.    Interactive Media - new minor Attachment
E.    Interactive Media - BFA in Visual Communications Attachment

IV.Other -
V.    Adjournment -