University Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies


Wednesday, February 22, 2006


3:00 – 5:00 p.m.180 S College Avenue

 (Senate conference room)






I.          Old Business:    Susan Hall will be attending the meeting to answer questions concerning the BS-MS Option items.


a.                   Revision to the breadth requirements for BA degrees in the college of Arts and Sciences (attachment)

b.                  Resolution to Establish a New Combined BS-MS Option in Exercise Science (attachment –1)

c.                   Combined BS-MS Option in Exercise Science with Concentration in Exercise Physiology (attachment –1) (policy, attachment –2)

d.                  Combined BS-MS Option in Exercise Science with Concentration in Biomechanics (attachment –1)

e.                   Combined BS-MS Option in Exercise Science with Concentration in Motor Control (attachment –1

II.                 New Business:  Course Challenge List – Discussion on the review of these  

III.               Other:

IV.              Adjournment: