University Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies

Friday, January 24, 2003

130 Hullihen Hall – 10:00a.m. – 12:00 noon


I.Approval of the Minutes of January 10, 2003

II.Old Business:

A.Engineering Technology Revisions from Ken LomaxAttachment

B.Multicultural optionsAttachment 
III.New Business:
A.Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management – Permanent status and changesAttachment
1.Bachelor of Music, Applied Music – PianoAttachment
2.Bachelor of Music, Applied VoiceAttachment
3.Bachelor of Music, Applied Music-Instrumental Concentration: Principal InstrumentsAttachment
4.Bachelor of Music, Music Education-All ConcentrationsAttachment
C.Registered Nurse major – Substantial revisionsAttachment
D.Health Studies major – New major that was considered last year.
There are 10 letters of support that accompany this proposal, but permissions were denied when trying to link them to the web. They are available in the Senate Office if anyone would like to view them. Attachment1Attachment2
E.Course Challenge List – Committee members who will review this list.It is good if two members review each unit:
1.Agriculture and Natural Resources
2.Business and Economics
3.Arts and Science A-K
4.Arts and Science L-Z
7.Health and Nursing
F.Memo from Karren Helsel-Spry addressing Signature and Routing concerns
G. BRN to MSN Proposal   Attachment