Meeting of the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Faculty Senate


Monday, February 4, at 3:00-5:00 in 105 Hullihen Hall






Old Business:


            1. Items from Department of Health and Exercise Sciences

a) B.S. in Health Studies.  This proposal establishes a new major and deletes the similar Concentration in Exercise and Sport Studies.  It was passed by our committee but questioned by the Coordinating Committee.  (Attachment 1)  (Attachment 2)  (Attachment 3)


                        b) Three items on Challenge List (revision of majors)

Health and Physical Education, establishment of interests area.  Also  question: rationale for EDUC 419 to be in freshman year.  Is the total credits 125 or 124.  Finally, grade inflation issues of state GPA requirements.  (Attachment 1) 


Revision to Health Behavior Management major to create an Interest Program for incoming students, with a procedure for admission to the major.  Why the need for such selection?  Why an essay?  Will decisions perhaps be very subjective?  (Attachment 1)


Revision to Exercise Science admission requirements, specifically an interest area.  Standards seem very strict, like minimum GPA of 3.0.  What is “successful completion” of specific courses (a C?)  For Figure Skating Sciences, why a need to meet with the Director?  Are there specific reasons for these requirements?   (Attachment 1)


                        Susan Hall, Chair of the department will meet with us at 3:10.


New Business

            1. Honors B.S. in Medical Technology.   (Attachment 1)  (Attachment 2)

2. Food Business Management and Technology.  New major. Jointly sponsored by Depts. of  Food & Resource Economics and Animal and Food Science. (Attachment 1)


            3. Revision of Food and Agribusiness Management major.  (Attachment1)

            4. Revision of Food and Agribusiness Management minor   (Attachment 1)

            5. Revision of Food Science major.

                        a) Food Science concentration  (Attachment)

                        b) Food Technology concentration  (Attachment)

            6. Deletion of Bioresources Engineering Technology major  (Attachment)

            7. Revision of Wildlife Conservation major.   (Attachment)


            Dallas Hoover and John Bernard of Food Science and FREC will meet with the committee at 4:00 p.m. to consider these proposals, particularly item 2.


            8. Women’s Studies minor.  Addition of 1-credit capstone course.   (Attachment)


9.  Course revision, multicultural list.  We must review all courses to spot any questionable ones, including course descriptions.  We have agreed to divide up the responsibilities for reviewing the courses, as follows:


                        Agriculture: P.K. Krishnan and Tripp Shenton

                        Business and Economics, Ken Koford and Tripp Shenton

                        Arts and Science: A-L Hilton Brown, Casey O’Brien, and Lou Hirsh

                                                     M-Z Thomas Leitch and Lou Hirsh

                        Health and Nursing: Lucia Palmer and Michael Gamel-McCormick

                        CHEPP: Michael Gamel-McCormick and Hilton Brown

                        Engineering: Tripp Shenton and Bill Frawley



Future upcoming events!!  The OPEN HEARING for the MIS/IS majors (and the M.S. in Information Technology) has been postponed to February 12, 4-6 p.m. in 140 Smith Hall.


See you there!