February 7, 2000

SENATORS EXCUSED: David Ames, Thomas Evrard, Michael Ferrari, T. W. Fraser Russell, Frederick Getze, Jeffrey Jordan, Cliff Keil, Sherry Kitto, Charles Mason, John Nye, Rivers Singleton, Karen Stein, David Teague, Satoshi Tomioka, Carolyn Thoroughgood, Tuncay Saydam,

SENATORS ABSENT: Kim Franchino, Jay Hildebrandt, John Hurt, Paul Mettler, Dan Mott, George Watson


The agenda was adopted with minor changes. Additional documentation was provided in the Senate voting cards for the Earth Science Education major and the Leadership minor. Also Item 5 in the Announcements for Challenge was corrected to read Entrepreneurship. Jon Olson moved to accept the agenda. It was seconded by Beth Haslett.
The minutes of the December 6, 1999 meeting of the Senate were approved as distributed.
There were no remarks by Provost Schiavelli
President Mark Huddleston announced that there were no course challenges for next year's catalog. He noted that if department program revisions did not make the February agenda to look for them on the March agenda. President Huddleston reminded senators of the Open Meeting for the General Education Program to be held on February 16 in 127 Memorial Hall at 1:30 p.m. He asked that senators pass this information on to their colleagues. In addition, he noted that this information can also be seen on the Faculty Senate home page.  <>
    The following announcements for challenge for unanimously approved.
    1. Revision of Communication major, College of Arts and Science
    2. Proposed concentration within the Department of English, Creative Writing, College of Arts and Science
    3. Revision to the MFA in Theatre, College of Arts and Science
    4. Revision to the graduate program in Geology, College of Arts and Science
    5. Change of name from Economics for Educators to Economics and Entrepreneurship for Educators, College of Business and Economics
    6. Revision to the Master of Arts in Foreign Language and Literatures and the Master of Arts in Foreign Languages and Pedagogy, College of Arts and Science
    7. Change of name of the MBA concentration from Technology and Innovation Management to Innovation Management, College of Business and Economics
    8. Revision to the Anthropology Education major
    9. Deletion of the fibers discipline, illustration discipline, and the metals discipline from the BA, the BFA in Fine Arts and the Art minor. Addition of the illustration discipline to the BFA in Visual Communications
    10. Revision to the Biology Education major
    11. Revision to the Chemistry Education major
    12. Revision to the BA and BS majors in Computer and Information
    13. Revision to the Earth Science major
    14. Revision to the Economics BS and BA (Business & Economics) and
    the BA (Arts & Science) majors; establishment of two concentrations:
    Economic Theory and Econometrics; Applied Economics
    15. Revision to the Economics Education major
    16. Revision to the English Education major
    17. Revision to the Environmental Science major
    18. Revision to the Foreign Language Education majors (French, German, Latin, Italian, Russian, and Spanish Education)
    19. Revision to the Geography Education major
    20. Revision to the Geology BA major
    21. Revision to the Geology BS major
    22. Geology BS major--add concentration in Paleobiology
    23. Geology BA major--delete concentration in Paleobiology
    24. Geology BS major--add concentration in Geophysics
    25. Revision to the Geology minor
    26. Revision to the History Education major
    27. Add concentration in Classics--Latin Education major
    28. Revision to the Mathematics Education major
    29. Revision to the Nursing major
    30. Revision to the Philosophy major
    31. Revision to the Physics Education major
    32. Revision to the Political Science major
    33. Recommendation to establish five concentrations in the Political Science major--American Government, Global Studies, Politics and Journalism, Public Law, Public Policy and Public Administration
    34. Revision to the Political Science majors--French, German, or Spanish
    35. Revision to the Political Science minor
    36. Revision to the Public Administration minor
    37. Revision to the Political Science Education major
    38. Revision to the Psychology Education major
    39. Revision to the Sociology Education major
    40. Revision to the Sociology major--Health Services concentration
        There was no old business.

A.     A recommendation to establish a minor in Leadership, College of Human Resources, Education, and Public Policy was unanimously approved.
        Whereas the proposal from the Department of Consumer Studies to offer a minor in Leadership has the written support of 18 departments/programs on campus, and
        Whereas the proposed curriculum was developed with the assistance of 15 faculty, representing four colleges and 10 academic units, and
        Whereas the required courses proposed for the minor have already served over 300 students from 6 colleges and 33 different majors, and
        Whereas the courses were perceived as valuable learning experiences, as measured by student evaluation, and
        Whereas the Department of Consumer Studies and the College of Human Resources, Education and Public Policy have committed significant financial and faculty resources towards the development and implementation of the proposed curriculum, and will continue to commit such resources to support all aspects of the proposed minor, be it therefore
        Resolved that the minor in Leadership be established in the Department of Consumer Studies.

B.     A recommendation for permanent status of the Master of Music Degree Program was unanimously approved.
        Whereas the Master of Music degree program has met or exceeded all of the expectations set forth in the proposal to establish the program, and
        Whereas the Master of Music degree program meets all standards of the National Association of Schools of Music, be it therefore
        Resolved that the Master of Music degree program be granted permanent status.

C. Recommendation to discontinue the International Honors Certificate, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature was unanimously approved.
        Whereas since its inception very few students have shown interest in, or qualified for, this recognition, and
        Whereas the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, the Department of Political Science and International Relations, and the University Honors Program, concur on a proposal to discontinue the awarding of the International Honors Certificate, be it therefore
        Resolved that the International Honors Certificate is hereby disestablished.

D.     Recommendation for permanent status of the Master of Arts with a major in Economics for Educators degree program, College of Business and Economics
        Whereas the Master of Arts degree program with a major in Economics continues to exist as a thriving, active, degree program, be it therefore
        Resolved that the master of Arts degree program with a major in Economics for Educators be granted permanent status.

E. After brief discussion, recommendation for changes to the election procedure for officers of the Faculty Senate was approved.
        Whereas officers of the Faculty Senate primarily serve apolitical managerial functions on behalf of the faculty, and
        Whereas in consequence no meaningful Acampaigns@ can be conducted for election to Senate offices, and
        Whereas Senators therefore have no basis in policy to make choices between alternative candidates, and
        Whereas the usual difficulty in recruiting qualified candidates for Senate offices is compounded by the knowledge of would-be candidates that one may be defeated in an election that bears no certain relation to one's fitness for office, and
        Whereas both the Constitution of the Faculty and the charge to the Committee on Committees and Nominations are silent on the question as to whether elections for Senate offices must be contested, be it therefore
        Resolved that the Committee on Committees and Nominations be directed to nominate and make public the name of no more than one person for each elected position (President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Chair of the Committee on Committees and Nominations) no later than the April Senate meeting of each year. Any faculty member may then within one week nominate himself or herself or another eligible member of the faculty (with that faculty member's consent) as an opposing candidate for any one office. The candidates for the office of President-elect are expected to write a statement of goals. The resulting elections, contested or not, are to be held as usual during the May Senate meeting.

F. Recommendation to disestablish the Geophysics B.S. was unanimously approved.
        Whereas the Geology Department has undertaken a major overhaul of its curricula, and
        Whereas there have been few students pursuing the BS in Geophysics, and
        Whereas Geophysics is being more appropriately located as a concentration under the BS in the Geology major, be it therefore
        Resolved that the BS in Geophysics is hereby disestablished.

G. Recommendation for provisional approval for a new B.S. major in Mathematics and Economics, College of Arts and Science was unanimously approved.
        Whereas many students wish to obtain a degree in Economics with a strong background in Mathematics, and
        Whereas rigorous study of both disciplines is solid preparation for graduate school in either Economics or Mathematics, and
        Whereas the Department of Economics (College of Business and Economics) and the Department of Mathematical Sciences (College of Arts & Science) have collaborated enthusiastically in developing this proposal, be it therefore
        Resolved that a BS major in Mathematics and Economics be established provisionally for four years in the College of Arts and Science.

There were no outstanding items of new business. President Huddleston asked if there were proposed items of new business, reminding the Senate that such proposed items could not be acted upon until the next meeting. Hearing no proposed new business, the meeting was adjourned 4:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Rita Girardi for
Karen F. Stein, Secretary
University Faculty Senate
